Morthoseth @ 2005-12-01 02:54
Best Pre-TL7 AS weapon in game, afaik. Maybe even post.
tegrere @ 2005-12-14 06:15
pretty funny description, lol. not bad damage/add to skills either
Pegasus @ 2006-01-19 17:09
only downside to this weapon is the fact that its attack skills are spread out between bow and rifle, so it's quite tough on the IP.
Suffering @ 2006-06-05 01:49
Is this rollable?
Thede @ 2006-06-29 02:15
No it's a dyna-drop... Quite rare too from what i hear
modsquad @ 2006-08-18 23:35
"Pegasus @ 2006-01-19 17:09
only downside to this weapon is the fact that its attack skills are spread out between bow and rifle, so it's quite tough on the IP."
Actually at higher levels you would save some IP on this due to the fact that you have trickle into 2 of the skills you won't have to invest instead of trickle into just one skill to take advantage of. So if you have 200 in trickle in 2 skills, that's 400 rather than just the 200 if it was all bow based.
Datagutt @ 2006-10-03 16:05
yah but would depend abit on prof and breed too tho
Ephyon @ 2006-12-01 03:15
Modsquad, i know how your thinking, however, the AR isnt 100% of each type,
So to reach same AR as with 1 skill it would cost alot more IP since you would have to max 1 more skill
Kingduck @ 2006-12-21 22:07
but the IP spent increases as you spend more points in it so if you half max two skills it should be cheaper than maxing both skills (and you just need enough skilsl to equip it)
vlada @ 2007-01-12 10:19
this is one of the best weapons ingame(apart from cater that is now agent only,"hugs my docs caterwaul")
Selkies @ 2007-02-17 03:15
idiots who think that its better for having 2 reqs... shut up... lol all i can say, it means you have to spend TWICE the IP to get teh same AR... they don't lwoer the reqs when they add another weap skill to it...
daidi @ 2007-03-07 06:36
AR isn´t THAT important if you use it only for AS (and for what else you would?).
Vannel @ 2007-05-04 18:48
as far as i know, your AR contributes quite significantly to your AS damage. I think it's the max dmg (ignoring AC obviously) of the weapon after AR is calculated which is used for the multipliers... could be wrong
Atilise @ 2007-12-02 14:29
no for aimed shot the multiplyers are ~95 AS skill
Drewblood @ 2007-12-25 05:19
Correct that every 95 Points in AS gives a Multiplier, but for Maximum Damage, u need the skill to reach the Max Beneficial Skill. To Figure what the Base of an AS Hit is, figure Max Damage of the Weapon + Damage from the MBS + any +Damage of the type used verses AC. Then Divide ur Total AS Skill by 95 and u'll find out how Many Multipliers u have.
As for this Weapon you wont need to Max Either Bow or Rifle, Just get to 67% the MBS with Rifle and 33% with Bow, which could actually be Less IP Spent in total. To Max the MBS u need 972 Rifle Skill and 479 Bow Skill.
One MAJOR Bonus about this Weapon is the Equip Time, making it quite nice to Swap back and Forth in PVP. For Example, Sup Per Blaster Equip time is 1 Sec and this is .5 Sec, therefore the Total Swap time is 1.5 Seconds, Ample time to get off Burst and FA While Swapping and then an AS emedietly Following, meanting Perks are still firing, making on Nasty Alpha.
Dilomax @ 2008-02-17 01:20
1370 AS to cap this bad boy... relatively easy
GruikGruik @ 2008-03-17 13:40
You're wrong about the MBS drewblood, having 972 rifle and 479 bow will give you an AR of .67*972+.33*479 which will be waaaay less than 1450. To reach the MBS you need 1450 in both, or more in rifle and twice less in bow.
One of the best pvp weapons for tl7 engis actually, using a 14.9 weapon ftw!
Vxrniss @ 2008-06-09 18:25
Wild Canary is better imo, AS needs to crit to do nicely anyway.
Ciekafsky @ 2008-06-09 21:33
Noone uses kalinkalovs. Just guess why :P
wintypes @ 2008-07-06 13:19
zastaba has only 1.2s recharge...
wintypes @ 2009-01-14 01:11
aaanyways. As a clan pvp TL5 MA, I would swap this over sapphistic. Way faster AS and the rifle req can be covered partially by CC
Ciekafsky @ 2009-03-22 23:50
Its not only about beeing able to use a weapon. You need to get as close to MBS of a weapon as you can because with crappy weapon skills youll get lower dmg per hit so aimedshots will be much lower as AS dmg = weapon dmg x as multiplier. For tl5 this weapon aint that good. There were few docs using this but most of them swapped for ithacas.
Morthoseth @ 2009-04-29 19:54
0.5 equip time makes for a good AS swap weapon.
Ats @ 2010-12-09 22:38
GruikGruik @ 2008-03-17 13:40
You're wrong about the MBS drewblood, having 972 rifle and 479 bow will give you an AR of .67*972+.33*479 which will be waaaay less than 1450.
No he's right. You are wrong buddy. 1450*.67 = 971.5 1450*.33 = 478.5 . Add 971.5 + 478.5 and you get +-1440
You are also wrong here:
" To reach the MBS you need 1450 in both, or more in rifle and twice less in bow. "
You dont need 1450 in both because its not 50% for each weapon skill. So your argument is flawed there.
crimrainok @ 2011-02-28 17:11
Hate to continue this argument, but Gruik was right.
Ats, think a little bit about what you're saying about AR. Assuming AR works the way you say it does in that post, lets put an arbalest on someone who maxes both bow and rifle at endgame. Lets say they have 2k skill in both when buffed, hypothetically.
Assuming 972 rifle and 479 bow give you a total of 1450 AR which is the sum of 1450*0.66 for rifle and 1450*0.33 for bow, then having 2k rifle and 2k bow would give you an AR of 3030*0.66=2000 rifle skill, and 6061*0.33=2000 for bow skill. Surely tl7s aren't running around with almost 10k AR on Arbalest!
the percentages basically mean that for every 1 point of rifle you have, you get 0.66 points of AR, and for every 1 point of bow you have, you get 0.33 points of AR. Meaning that you indeed need 1450 in both rifle and bow, or about 2100 rifle and bow to reach your 1450 AR mark.
crimrainok @ 2011-02-28 17:26
At the end of my post I meant to say 2100 rifle and bow, sorry about that!
crimrainok @ 2011-02-28 17:26
Triple post! Apparently auno doesn't like the number zero by itself, so yeah. 2100 rifle and zero bow
Incinerator @ 2011-06-22 02:38
@TL5 the rifle(dark blue skill) reqs are quite high for an MA esp. if you're a S10/BS twink lvl locked at 150, since you'll want to max alot of other skills first, you won't have enough IP to raise nanoresist high enough to resist stuff. I probably wouldn't recommend using it.
Jenshae @ 2013-01-25 03:26
I probably sold these as shop food, let them rot and deleted them because I ignore all crossbows. ;D
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