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Item Database - Personal Backpack

Personal Backpack Icon #99659 The personal backpack has a safety system that makes sure it can't be used by anyone else but you. Once you've bought it a note is sent to ICC to register it as a 'fixed' part of your person.
NOTE: Cell scanning technology is an Omni-Med patent.
Flags Visible, No Drop, Unique
Can Carry, Wear, Use
Patch 14.8 17.6 17.10
Change QL:
Type Armor
Slot Back
Value 10000
To Equip User Adventuring >= 100
phallisto @ 2005-12-28 17:58
How doth one aquire one of these?
dack1 @ 2006-01-29 07:24
Eddie in Stret West Bank (1200,2820)
aodieurjs @ 2008-09-25 10:13
good thing the typo was fixed in 17.10.. ill go buy a dozen now.
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