18.8.62 | Live servers: 18.8.62

Item Database - Unhallowed Blessing

Unhallowed Blessing Icon #39807 You are unable to think clearly.
Flags Item Texture Override, Buff Nano
Patch 14.7.8 15.0.1 15.5.5
QL 390
Crystal Nano Crystal (Unhallowed Blessing)
NCU 45
Nanocost 297
School Combat: Nano shutdown
Duration 15 seconds
Attack time 4.81s
Recharge time 3.8s
Range 40 m
Defense skills
Nano resist 100 %
Attack skills
Matter creation 100 %
To Use User Matter creation >= 889
On Use Target Hit Health Poison -1178 .. -2022  
Target Modify Sensory improvement -65  
Target Modify Matter metamorphosis -65  
Target Modify Biological metamorphosis -65  
Target Modify Psychological modifications -65  
Target Modify Matter creation -65  
Target Modify Time and space -65  
Grassica @ 2004-05-18 06:15
Were is this nano crystal,Were Can I get it?
Maxdog420 @ 2006-04-27 20:14
Hollow Island I raid think.
vlada @ 2006-05-12 14:59
the ql 390 nanos are nanos that mobs cast(this one is used by dominuses and preceptores in IS)
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