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Item Database - Gloomfall Armor (Body)

Gloomfall Armor (Body) Icon #13249 ...there is no escape from the dark, for it is everywhere. Nowhere is safe. The Unbeliever can never rest, for in the dark we reside. Waiting. Ready. Eager. Beware Unbeliever, for we come for you...
Flags Visible, No Drop, Has Damage, Disable Statel Collision
Can Carry, Wear
Patch 14.7.8
Change QL:
Type Armor
Slot Body
Value 1
Equip time 0.1s
Mass 0kg
Max health 3500
To Equip User Agility >= 521 and
User Sense >= 471 and
User Profession == Agent
On Equip User Texture Body 8729  
User Modify Max health 150  
User Modify Projectile AC 975  
User Modify Melee AC 953  
User Modify Energy AC 975  
User Modify Chemical AC 975  
User Modify Radiation AC 853  
User Modify Cold AC 853  
User Modify Poison AC 853  
User Modify Fire AC 953  
User Modify Rifle 6  
User Modify Aimed shot 4  
User Modify Concealment 20  
User Modify NCU memory 4  
User Modify Projectile damage modifier 8  
User Modify Melee damage modifier 8  
User Modify Energy damage modifier 8  
User Modify Chemical damage modifier 8  
User Modify Radiation damage modifier 8  
User Modify Cold damage modifier 8  
User Modify Fire damage modifier 8  
User Modify Poison damage modifier 8  
Zolo @ 2003-04-04 20:41
I think you can get it at TOTW
Rnei @ 2003-06-02 20:56
Nope, it's Shadowface that drops in ToTW. This must drop in Inner Sanctum or whatever they're gonna call the high level dungeon.
Waikaishi @ 2003-06-03 13:34
It is from Inner Sanctum, problem is how the hell does someone enter it
Thailon @ 2003-08-22 16:42
u need a pass to get in :D
Chasin @ 2003-11-20 15:25
Sleeves of this dropped at totw,so its safe to assume other parts would as well.
Chasin @ 2003-11-20 15:27
nm,spoke too fast...
Vizhalnaga @ 2004-02-03 06:53
To get a pass, you need an exarch robe from totw, exchange it with the blind cultist outside for a temp IS pass. If you're already above lvl 60, you will have to buy a pass from ppl selling them.
Newyn @ 2004-07-23 17:52
Sweet! I've been scratching my head for ages over how to get back in, and now this exarch robe will finally prove its' use. :P
luminous @ 2005-06-15 07:44
its damn impossible to get at the inner sanctum :/ ...gotta level up more
Spiv @ 2005-07-14 12:45
Blah, it looks like it is just as ugly as the shadowfade armor. And now that I've got a cape instead of a robe, I'll actually have to look at it once I get it.
TheFallen @ 2005-08-17 03:28
Pre SL the IS used to be a tough dungeon, so all of you who dont have SL/AI
make sure you have a doc along who knows what hes doing. In any case bring some spare IS keys in case youre add is called hezak ^^
Mad_K @ 2005-09-01 00:40
drops in third floor, permapass to IS drops in second floor, non heavy twinked 150-- teams die at first floor
Evelyna @ 2005-11-04 17:37
Damn hard to get. Involves hours of camping
luminous @ 2005-12-13 09:09
not worth it...i camped it for weeks, got a full set, and then a few weeks later i got azure, which is much better.
Shiare @ 2006-04-05 07:01
Well, azure is great, but it's not agent armor. The point in getting profession specific armor is for the professions specific buffs. Gloomfall is great for concealment, Aimshot and Rifle bonuses. Azure gives NCU instead, although Azure AC is better and only needs stamina to equip. So there is a tradeoff. Want to be up close and personal, get lots of buffs and can take damage as an agent, get azure. Want to stand 40 meters away concealed and untargetable and pop off 13k Aimshots, get gloomfall. So when looking at items, what determines if they are junk or not is what you intend to use them for. Obviously you don't want gloomfall if your can't kite, conceal and do Aimshots during combat. Gloomfall is perfect armor when your teaming up (easy Aimshots) or want to sneak misstions at max difficulty as well.
silentzium @ 2006-06-17 10:07
luminous @ 2005-12-13 09:09
not worth it...i camped it for weeks, got a full set, and then a few weeks later i got azure, which is much better.

Yea, but you could get this on at level 125. Azure you get at lvl 175 + , so Gloomfall covers that lvl gap very nicely.The downside is that you need a nice org to help you camp it or pay someone to help you camp it.
Yfo @ 2007-07-01 15:30
too bad it's so crap ugly, i'll try to get it as super-sneak-set..adds a lot conceal after all ;)
Jornado @ 2007-12-22 20:00
ugly? does it look like shadowfade when worn? if so it looks better than agent t1...
kilafiremage @ 2016-09-25 03:34
its just a boring gray color. doesnt look too bad aside from that.

and the helm is kinda ugly actually lol
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