Xrogue @ 2002-12-23 07:36
where are they and how are they found?
faelinis @ 2002-12-24 23:03
trader only shops
marrock @ 2003-01-30 02:46
where are the trader's shop ?
i dont find Experienced Aviator Sunglasses
lullysing @ 2005-10-30 19:48
While these may be a bit expensive, they are massively stylish, and provide a different look than most other sunglasses in the game.
Yurdle @ 2006-01-27 17:50
How much does it cost anyways?
Chamaelo @ 2006-02-17 00:22
Snakebite @ 2006-07-28 19:56
What the hell does: 'User Cyberdeck not & 4' mean???
Stillian @ 2006-08-06 03:22
Not wearing GA, iirc
Retracnad @ 2006-09-06 19:15
means not wearing social armour such as GA, monitor smoking suit, abbandon chassis or any of the potato suits
Rhalin @ 2006-09-21 15:48
Strange. Someone has typed "Can wear with social armor" at the top of the page, under can.
Moonman @ 2006-10-01 11:48
cyberdeck 4 is only GA, not the other social armor
Terrif @ 2008-03-28 13:54
kinda useless glasses, maybe just good for social lol, and yes is in tradershop, and cost around 800k, if you want a pair tell xeratrading on rk1 ;)
kilafiremage @ 2020-06-25 00:31
nerfed, no longer gives bonuses. what a shame.... very useful for twinking on the manta vehicles
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