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Item Database - Personal Grid Converter

Personal Grid Converter Icon #205463 The PGC accesses the Advanced Notum Mining processes of your organization's controllers. Reversing the Grid-in feature of these controllers, you are quickly scrambled and made into bits and bytes of a lovely blue upside-down pyramid.\n\nThe Quality Level of the Grid Converter needs to be at least the QL of the controller...\n\nTarget one of your organization's controllers, and right click on this item!
Flags Visible, Has Energy
Can Carry, Use, Eat, Stackable
Patch 14.7.1 14.7.4 14.7.8 15.9 17.5 18.8.53
Change QL:
Value 300
Attack time 10s
Range 3 m
Clip 5 - 0
Mass 0.12kg
To Use User In battle == 0 and
Target NPC type == 157 and
Target Level <= 1 and
Target Organization your organization
On Use Chat Text E|=Mc^2  
User Teleport 51102, 152, 100001  
jonjonz @ 2008-07-25 23:10
Are these things just gimp shop food or what. Only one charge, so you can only use it to access the grid once? That does not sound very usefull.
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