Sypiken @ 2004-12-15 11:41
Pretty niice item.
LordDrathu @ 2006-08-28 16:23
Azlack @ 2006-12-03 19:48
sucky tbh shitty shit item
vlada @ 2007-01-02 15:31
You have no clue.
zerogates @ 2008-02-29 17:00
for lowbie twinking NCU is everything, this is probly one of the best lowbie twinking items in game at lower ql ofc since the wrist slots do not buff abilites, comp lit, or treatment.
Brinkmann @ 2008-11-07 05:01
I use one on my froob enforcer. Not much else for left wrist TBH. Also, froob NTs love them. I have sold a lot of lowbie one to lowbie NTs.
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