odielag @ 2003-11-14 09:30
what mob? is there a website that says?
gregory_joe @ 2003-12-03 12:37
Drops off of Exarchs in the Temple of the Three Winds
Dead66 @ 2003-12-15 14:37
this is a nice robe! for lvl 20 :
Dead66 @ 2003-12-15 19:37
is evry thing in TOTW nodrop just like IS ?
please send tell too dead66 on RK 1
ShacklerIII @ 2004-01-22 22:01
Hopefully yes, best way to kill farmers is making stuff UNIQUE or NODROP
ShadowKeeper @ 2004-10-11 20:46
cant you give these to the blind cultist for a sealed inner sanctum pass?
brainstew @ 2004-11-03 01:11
yes, you can
brainstew @ 2004-11-03 01:12
and a pass goes for like 100-150k cred i think.
Talan @ 2004-11-11 17:42
250k each on RK2
L000X0R @ 2005-02-01 22:11
I luv enfo 110ish who still wear it :)
zyx22 @ 2005-03-24 19:57
Ransom @ 2005-09-05 02:07
ROFLOL :) my enf just twinked ql180 alby on lvl 107 :) keep on goin with ex robe :))) this robe really rocks on lvl20 but.. i think there is some other options below 100 :)
pter666 @ 2005-09-11 02:01
this robe us uber 4 pvp with the new patched one its 5% root snare res + init debuff : uberness =D
lostlife @ 2006-01-15 02:36
when did they releice a patch that made the robe (or pass) no drop
Shojumaru @ 2006-01-25 12:58
The robe was always NODROP. The pass isn't.
Pandaguy @ 2006-01-30 13:43
Perfection. If someone's interested in helping me get one, send a /tell to Teresa on RK1.
Enemigo @ 2006-03-15 03:59
Dominus Robe or Preceptor Robe better for pvp, as they provide +6% resists. Come from IS, means u can get anytime if u forgot/deleted exarch. Seen some tl7 using Dominus robes in pvp.
Yakobo66 @ 2006-07-06 00:34
stuid f-ing no shade tags on everything
Twinkywinky @ 2006-09-10 13:14
Enemigo @ 2006-03-15 03:59
Dominus Robe or Preceptor Robe better for pvp, as they provide +6% resists. Come from IS, means u can get anytime if u forgot/deleted exarch. Seen some tl7 using Dominus robes in pvp.
lol may they dont have money for notucomm^^
Jornado @ 2008-08-06 10:55
preceptor robe is nice to swap in vs. docs in tl5 pvp over notumcomm - your average doc isn't going to hit an evade proffesion much anyway, and the 6% ubt resist that stacks with your regular NR check vs. ubt can be invaluable
shaynd @ 2013-11-16 20:21
L000X0R @ 2005-02-01 22:11
I luv enfo 110ish who still wear it :)
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