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Item Database - Temporal Chalice

Temporal Chalice Icon #37929 ...with His touch we are blessed. With His words we are enlightened. With His presence we are sanctified...
Wielding this Chalice will provide you with an innate 3% resistance to normal root and snare nano programs.
Flags Visible, Has Multiple Count, No Drop, Unique
Can Carry, Wear
Patch 14.7.8 14.9
Change QL:
Type Weapon
Slot Right hand
Value 1
Equip time 1s
Attack time 2.5s
Recharge time 0.5s
Range 2 m
Damage 1-1 (1) - Object
Initiative skill Melee init
Mass 0.35kg
Max health 10
Damage View this weapon in the Damage Calculator
Defense skills
Evade close 100 %
Attack skills
Martial arts 1 %
To Equip User Profession == Doctor and
User Biological metamorphosis >= 201 and
User Matter metamorphosis >= 201
On Equip User Modify Matter metamorphosis 10  
User Modify Biological metamorphosis 10  
User Modify Max nano 300  
User Modify Nano cost modifier -1  
User Resistance Snare 3%  
User Resistance Root 3%  
djmalo @ 2004-08-16 08:26
drops in Temple of the Tree Winds (on the boss called 'Nematet')
Jeff120 @ 2005-09-12 02:59
this is mad nice for a doc
Sundiver @ 2006-02-02 05:31
Just solokilled Nematet with my weak Doc, and I certainly deserved this =) Very nice indeed.
....... @ 2006-02-11 01:02
killed him with a level 20-25 team
Daundweg @ 2007-06-17 19:28
My lvl 3 Doc is Wearing this item^^ its really fun
Mohamed @ 2008-09-23 07:49
This thing is pretty bad, 10 nano skills does not overcome the fact that fights take longer because the doc doesn't do dmg. Especially low level, when 10 nano skills just might be good, your best defense is your best offense anyway. This might be good for a MA doc that can't just quite cast team hp buff without...or if you can self wear your weapon, which is also bad unless it's a 2h edged from totw.
Hunter6 @ 2009-02-02 22:31
Ignore these haters, for a healing doc this "weapon" rulez, as the nano and cost are quite a big advantage in pvm and even in ely this is good.
Scabadus @ 2009-03-11 00:21
Somehow I don't think that Mohamed has played a Doc for very long; they're not designed to do damage at the levels you'll be wearing this. Most people only get one or two weapons, you get 5: the other people in your team. The downside is that you have to keep your "weapons" alive, which this helps with.
Cambarus @ 2010-02-17 07:16
Somehow I don't think that scabadus has played a doc for very long, they can do lots of damage if set up properly, the levels in which you'd be using this chalice are better spent as a 2hb doc, wielding nelebs, doing exellent damage while getting 40 extra nano every time you hit someone, and 20 if it's a miss (which means you can pretty much perma-heal yourself and others against most mobs) The nano that you get on it's own more or less matches it with the chalice in terms of healy-usefullness, but the fact that even at level 25-30 you'll be hitting 300s with decent consistency makes nelebs a much, much better weapon for lower level docs.
Clerisy @ 2010-05-01 02:33
Somehow I don't think that Cambarus has played a doc for very long.
Burn4it @ 2010-05-12 03:54
Somehow I dont think Clerisy has played a doc for very long.
Esproc @ 2010-11-25 15:13
ah nerf, how you spose to perk anything with this on xD it should at least take the AR from bio met like he SL ones :(
Evenhb @ 2011-04-10 17:54
soloed nematet with lvl 25 enf with ql 70 imps
slytha @ 2011-10-16 12:27
Somehow I dont think Evenhb has played a enf for very long.
githyan @ 2011-11-30 20:45
Somehow I don't think slytha was late for the "Somehow I don't think" party
thebubble @ 2012-08-25 06:49
Somehow I dont think its ever too late for that ;p

imho,too, noob stick is best at that lvl, ofc cuz the nano proc and it has a nice min dmg for that lvl.
(in comparison u need a ql96 kyr pistol to get same min dmg, no procs on it, and for more than 600 pistol skill u wud have to twink the f*ck out of it (if its possible)

for a just healing doc the chalice is imho still a worse choice
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