pter666 @ 2005-12-09 03:47
very nice move
genius71 @ 2006-06-07 03:22
is it easy to use this one? like with the 316 and 201 req...
eiarb @ 2006-06-08 01:38
wow this one has saved my butt more than a few times in the week since I got it. like a first aid kit that attacks. plus it locks dimach not MA so you can still use other MA attacks. I love this attack
Rikumelenium @ 2007-11-14 00:17
it's pretty easy to get on. you can use it around lvl 47 easily. just make sure you have good imps in.
csichar @ 2007-12-23 02:54
Jornado @ 2008-01-05 01:37
Are there ANY other MA attacks that lock dimach? At one point i decided to strip my 134 MA and deleted all my nodrop stuff, including ToE (yeah it was stupid, i was drunk >.<) so my question is whether or not i am totally screwed on a dimach locking MA attack...
wintypes @ 2008-03-25 14:34
ToE is the only that locks on dimach iirc. But at lvl 134, neither the 120 damage nor the 290 heal is going to make that big a difference
Esproc @ 2008-06-22 00:15
still faster recharge than dimach at that lvl. kinda like an ma hot long as you can land it
Ivul @ 2008-12-30 19:16
Well, at 150 I look at people using this and I go WTB. I mean what else is there to do between ma attack + brawl + upon a wave + gumboil + healing?
Ivul @ 2008-12-30 19:18
They REALLY need to make a inner sanctum version of this, or let people enter their own GS of level locked dungeons... Or at least remove the ridiculous NODROP flag...
Esproc @ 2009-10-10 22:59
My vote is IS version, the rest of those a big no-noes.
aocat @ 2011-08-26 08:55
Main problem with these ToTW books (imho) is the incredible amount of mobs you have to kill to get the right books :P
aocat @ 2011-08-26 08:56
*Edit: Kinda like the doctor holy book: useful, but very rare
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