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Item Database - Tree of Enlightenment

Tree of Enlightenment Icon #43082 ...his voice inspired them with hope. His words inflamed their passions. The Heavens themselves were cowed by his Righteousness... their jealousy they Abandoned us. Only He returned from Exile to lead us to Paradise and reclaim what we lost. On the Day we shall be risen up...
Flags Visible, Has Multiple Count, No Drop, Disable Statel Collision
Can Carry, Use, Apply Hostile
Patch 14.7.8 14.8 14.8.1 14.9 15.0.1 17.8 17.8.1
Change QL:
Value 1
Attack time 0.5s
Range 4 m
Mass 0kg
Defense skills
Evade close 75 %
Attack skills
Martial arts 100 %
To Use User Martial arts >= 316 and
User Wielded weapons == Fists and
User Character state == 10 and
User Profession == Martial Artist and
User Dimach >= 201
On Use Attacker Hit Health Melee -120 .. -120  
User Lock Dimach 39s  
Float Text Enlightenment!  
Team Cast Tree of Enlightenment  
On Activate Self AddSkill Dimach 3  
pter666 @ 2005-12-09 03:47
very nice move
genius71 @ 2006-06-07 03:22
is it easy to use this one? like with the 316 and 201 req...
eiarb @ 2006-06-08 01:38
wow this one has saved my butt more than a few times in the week since I got it. like a first aid kit that attacks. plus it locks dimach not MA so you can still use other MA attacks. I love this attack
Rikumelenium @ 2007-11-14 00:17
it's pretty easy to get on. you can use it around lvl 47 easily. just make sure you have good imps in.
csichar @ 2007-12-23 02:54
Jornado @ 2008-01-05 01:37
Are there ANY other MA attacks that lock dimach? At one point i decided to strip my 134 MA and deleted all my nodrop stuff, including ToE (yeah it was stupid, i was drunk >.<) so my question is whether or not i am totally screwed on a dimach locking MA attack...
wintypes @ 2008-03-25 14:34
ToE is the only that locks on dimach iirc. But at lvl 134, neither the 120 damage nor the 290 heal is going to make that big a difference
Esproc @ 2008-06-22 00:15
still faster recharge than dimach at that lvl. kinda like an ma hot long as you can land it
Ivul @ 2008-12-30 19:16
Well, at 150 I look at people using this and I go WTB. I mean what else is there to do between ma attack + brawl + upon a wave + gumboil + healing?
Ivul @ 2008-12-30 19:18
They REALLY need to make a inner sanctum version of this, or let people enter their own GS of level locked dungeons... Or at least remove the ridiculous NODROP flag...
Esproc @ 2009-10-10 22:59
My vote is IS version, the rest of those a big no-noes.
aocat @ 2011-08-26 08:55
Main problem with these ToTW books (imho) is the incredible amount of mobs you have to kill to get the right books :P
aocat @ 2011-08-26 08:56
*Edit: Kinda like the doctor holy book: useful, but very rare
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