Squattie @ 2003-04-14 01:46
So who drops this baby?
Transaman @ 2003-06-20 08:56
I got this item off the body of the Defender of the Three
Ragorn @ 2004-04-08 03:01
I just pulled one of these off an Exarch.
Ythealien @ 2004-09-03 04:26
wow i want one of these
DreamSnake @ 2004-12-03 11:57
I got mine from Lien
Terryalt @ 2005-03-23 15:38
I camped the Nematet room for all of my rings. Got all of them but theRing of Tattered Flae that I wanted.
Terryalt @ 2005-03-23 15:39
Wow think of PvP with this ring and others. I'd own, does there ac affect it?
Ilikebunnies @ 2007-05-15 03:39
Don't worry if you missed this one.. It locks the same skill as the Inner Sanctum ring, which has slightly less resist and a lot more offense reduction. (and a cooler name)
Terryalt: No, AC doesn't effect it. It's 100% MatCrea VS 130% NanoResist + 100% opponentLevel. The higher version doesn't include opponentLevel in defense.
Ciekafsky @ 2007-12-02 10:10
Those rings work in similar way as grafts. There is no way to avoid blid. I tested it with enf friend. He had around 700 MC (lvl 170) and i had 1400+ NR (lvl 165) and blind landed 3 times of 3 tries.
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