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Item Database - Vaccine of Deprivation

Vaccine of Deprivation Icon #39271 Provides the Doctor with an innate 17% resistance against Trader Deprive/Divest and Ransack/Plunder nano debuffs for a short period of time. This resistance is in addition to the normal nano resistance checks.
Flags Modified Description, Buff Nano
Patch 14.7.1 15.0.1 15.5.5 18.8.53
QL 119
Crystal NanoCrystal (Vaccine of Deprivation)
NCU 30
Nanocost 553
School Psionic: Divest and plunder resist
Duration 35 seconds
Attack time 7s
Recharge time 4s
Range 1 m
Effect icon Icon 39735
Stacking order 30
To Use User Profession == Doctor and
User Level >= 100 and
User Biological metamorphosis >= 762 and
User Matter creation >= 692
On Use User Resistance Divest skills 17%  
User Resistance Plunder skills 17%  
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