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Item Database - Steiner Flexipus Chassis

Steiner Flexipus Chassis Icon #203519 The Flexipus Chassis is made with auriferous synthetic titanium, plutonic coltran and radiant notum filament. Like many other scientific discoveries the Flexipus material was discovered by an accident. The inventor, Darien Steiner Carmine, never realized the potentional of it, and he died a poor and bitter man. It took 60 years until it was used commericially for the first time - in the Yalmaha 29395 series.
Flags Visible
Can Carry
Patch 14.7.1
Change QL:
Slot none
Value 30000000
Mass 0.3kg
lol @ 2003-01-05 22:52
can these be found in chests? =)
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