Fretter @ 2003-04-01 07:53
Such a nice helmet, but C'mon FC... It looks just like an Omni-Pol Elite Helm. Clannies get that Cool Goat Skull helmet, and we get stuck with a helmet that looks like regular ole' Omni-Pol Elite 8(
Opima @ 2003-06-03 18:27
i better have this helm look & AF tank armor :)
Hundredhand @ 2003-11-29 08:37
lol The clammers get the goat helm to signify they are all as stubborn as an old goat. But yeah I wouldn't mind omni having some cooler looking armor than the same old stuff. ;)
Zephyr @ 2004-01-17 03:08
Like that OAF Helm looks better than the Sentinels Helm? I think that helm is fugly but the rest of the set including the Tank is really bad ass looking. New OAF Helm please!
Ballazdead @ 2004-01-30 22:39
wahh wahh wahh wahh wahh you got the nice tank, but still say clan goat head is nice :( wahh wahh wahh wahh wahh
SzlasH @ 2004-01-31 15:08
wahh wahh wahh wahh wahh please dont say so balla wahh wahh wahh wahh wahh
Skierguy @ 2004-02-09 17:08
wahh wahh wahh wahh wahh {moderator}: tried to edit this to be in line with the other two posts but there was no other content than.... wahh wahh wahh wahh wahh
Skierguy @ 2004-02-09 23:11
lol thats not what i said i said, "Balla is right about the omni tank. Clanners dont get dittily squat. they like boys"
Ballazdead @ 2004-02-27 17:51
Comi @ 2005-12-20 07:24
This helm looks good, dont complain.
Silenoz @ 2005-12-28 00:25
Azure Reveries pwnz all parts of AF
Niblixdark @ 2006-01-03 14:01
wahh nice
tazerboy @ 2011-09-28 19:18
Wtb the book /tell tazerman rk1 ;-)
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