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Item Database - Instruction Disc (A DCSD containing 1 BBI Minami-90 Sticky Love Rain)

Instruction Disc (A DCSD containing 1 BBI Minami-90 Sticky Love Rain) Icon #83387 This QuarkStor(tm) data storage disc contains the raw nanobot AI programming for the nano program A DCSD containing 1 BBI Minami-90 Sticky Love Rain. If combined with a Symbol Library, it will make a Compiled Algorithm (A DCSD containing 1 BBI Minami-90 Sticky Love Rain). This is a tradeskill item.
Flags Visible
Can Carry
Patch 14.6 18.3.11
Change QL:
Value 869845
Mass 0.1kg
Talan @ 2004-10-10 10:27
errr wtf?
Tevonice @ 2005-06-25 18:18
can be tradeskilled into this thingy:
Cessam @ 2006-04-07 07:07
Hehe yep, was hoping for something token related. Any ideas on the mix-up?
wooshell @ 2007-01-15 20:19
classical copy&paste error during item creation ;)
Comi @ 2009-06-23 05:47
Delicious copypasta, you should try some :)
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