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Item Database - The Power of Three

The Power of Three Icon #16206 Increases the Burst skill of the Soldier by 62 points. As an additional effect, all damage output is increased with 5 points.
Flags Default Target, Buff Nano
Patch 14.6 15.0.1 15.5.5 17.5 18.8.53
QL 88
Crystal NanoCrystal (The Power of Three)
NCU 22
Nanocost 299
School Psionic: Burst buffs
Duration 45 minutes
Attack time 3.76s
Recharge time 0.5s
Range 15 m
Effect icon Icon 16363
Stacking order 3
To Use User Psychological modifications >= 496 and
User Sensory improvement >= 496 and
User Profession == Soldier and
User Level >= 75
On Use User Modify Projectile AC 5  
User Modify Burst 62  
User Modify Melee damage modifier 5  
User Modify Energy damage modifier 5  
User Modify Chemical damage modifier 5  
User Modify Radiation damage modifier 5  
User Modify Cold damage modifier 5  
User Modify Fire damage modifier 5  
User Modify Poison damage modifier 5  
Cittycat @ 2004-02-05 18:46
where can i find it?
evilprince78 @ 2004-05-20 20:16
dyna boss loot only
kandykandy @ 2005-07-01 21:24
any particular Dyno bosses ? Lv or area?
lucaspweb @ 2005-08-21 23:13
wow +5 proj ac, how useful
Datagutt @ 2005-11-12 02:02
where is dyna bosses?
Ransom @ 2005-12-12 01:25
lucasweb??? how useful bah... would it be +1 better? this is BURST buff... not actually AC buff... UGH :(
Yakobo66 @ 2006-05-18 22:12
gotta love how people criticise bonus buffs on a line
Rktim @ 2006-06-28 01:45
It SHULD be +5 projectile DMG.... using a projectile dmg weapon im pissed off about this not working -.-
Tepamina @ 2006-08-07 20:37
Maybe it is working, but just a typo?
Kingduck @ 2006-11-20 22:06
they added the wrong stat, i'm sure they meant it to be proj dmg.. but now everyone uses energy :p
Hydrojen @ 2008-01-24 03:52
it's fixed now i guess, User Modify Projectile damage modifier 5
Vgman @ 2008-05-17 22:41
Now i gota go wach charmed -_-
AOmaster @ 2009-06-15 21:32
I would recommend all soldiers use this over Riot Control once they have capped their burst cycle (in PvM at least). Riot Control adds no extra damage as opposed to this, sure 5 extra damage isn't huge but it all adds up.
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