bansin @ 2002-12-03 03:04
Where can I find this? Anyone know?
Kasimodo @ 2002-12-05 16:13
Logic would tell that the Masked Commandos or other DB mobs drop it. They are usually high-level, so I guess there must be a way to get the lower QLs, too. If only the General's Right Hand drop it, though, it will be a very rare sight indeed, he requires an army to get down, the Elite Commandos not counted.
Kasimodo @ 2002-12-18 02:27
Okay, this belt drops from Abmous - boss mob in the condemned subway in Old Athens. He's tough, you won't be able to tackle him with a single team unless you're heavily twinked and past lvl 25.
Powerbernie @ 2003-01-25 21:01
Nah Nonsense....we killed him several times with team of 4 - lvl 24. Just get in 100 ncu and a good HE for 2 docs. Easy fight then:)
sheez @ 2003-02-22 23:36
hehe i agree...i was regularly soloing old abby with my now accidentally dinged crat and currently do the same with an engie...basically the same strat as powerbernie with 100+ ncu and mochies for the pets...its great to see your lvl 77 pet drop abmouth like a bad habit ;)
sheez @ 2003-02-22 23:38
oh also drops off of Vergil Aeneid in the subway.
ajhart @ 2003-04-10 06:49
you dont really have to be too twinked to get this. Me and two of my guildies kill him we are 1 doc and two enforcers. The doc has ql 30 imps i think and the two enfs have 50's. And we never get outside buffs
blacksteel @ 2003-05-02 18:30
I believe the database is mis-interpreting this item. My lvl 56 toon has one and it will NOT increase/level when right-clicked. This item does not in fact level to a 6x belt unless there is some super secret method that I haven't heard of before... ;)
zxcs @ 2003-06-21 17:45
U don't need to be uber twinked to kil abmouth, ym 24 GA fixer has killed him over 20 times with ease
subbubzy2 @ 2003-07-28 05:09
hey guys, i can solo him np... just give subbubzy2 a tell and i can get u 1..
i can also get any other item in the subway
Supa_Freak @ 2003-08-21 01:43
Speaking of the super secret method of leveling this belt (blacksteel), does anyone know what it is? Everyone insists it can be leveled, but noone knows how. Cure my ignorance please.
Limms @ 2004-06-26 23:29
Unfortunately you can't level it :( Take's away some of the pride of soloing Abmouth with my untwinked/selfbuffed MP
Sypiken @ 2004-09-22 11:53
Logic would tell that the Masked Commandos or other DB mobs drop it. They are usually high-level, so I guess there must be a way to get the lower QLs, too. If only the General's Right Hand drop it, though, it will be a very rare sight indeed, he requires an army to get down, the Elite Commandos not counted. anyone even notice this? It's dropped. 100m each =P
KhimaruRK2 @ 2005-02-18 09:11
gah, where??? i've killed abmouth, and i think it sounds ridiculous to say this belt drops from him. i've never heard that.
crumple @ 2005-02-21 09:54
he drops a lower level one
KhimaruRK2 @ 2005-03-28 06:05
Abmouth* and i think it's a lvling item... not sure yet, i'm gonna xfer it to my main from my alt that goes in the subway. i think it was a lucky drop, only killed him 3 times...
Sferykal @ 2005-04-21 01:33
Drops from Abmouth and Vergil in the Condemned Subways. Dropchance is not 100%. Lowest QL dropped I found so far was QL 30 (76 CL, 76 tokens); it's always a 3 slot belt, though. As you can see in the description, this belt has no "on use", which means it is no leveling item (dunno if it can be used in any tradeskill processes, haven't checked that, yet).
While this 6 slot belt might be of some interest, the one actually dropped in the subway is pretty useless, unless someone knows a "safe" way to get 76 or more tokens without leveling much, and this at levels where a 3 slot belt is actually of any use.
Abmouth can be killed in many ways as long as you know what you are doing.
Fleadram @ 2005-05-25 05:07
sferykal, i wish you would tell me how 0_o he has owned my self with all of my chars when they were in the sub
Imao @ 2005-06-26 13:34
anyone really found that 6 slot belt??? 3 slot confirmed drops in subway
oopsminded @ 2005-07-09 06:58
The one [lvl 300 Spooky Pumpkin] clans killed dropped 1 hnt, 6 anythings, 3x belt of justice 6-slot. Just found this in a 2003 topic, thought I'd share it with you.
Engelen @ 2006-05-20 18:43
Sferykal - you can get tokens by having a highlevel friend kill mobs in Avalon for them. So this in 3slot is doable at lvl1.. Did it a while back when it was a lvl 1 pvp tournament.. Pain, but I had the best belt.
Teranstol @ 2006-06-02 02:35
Killed Ab with lvl 24 fixer, no outside buffs, on a total budget of less than 1m . Heavy twinking definitely not required, just kite him in his room :) Could have done it earlier except for newb islands guns couldn't kill him faster than he healed. Enjoy all :)
Atroxaero @ 2006-10-06 23:22
hmm not using that belt..
AKrulz @ 2007-03-07 13:08
i got a justice belt from subway but was ql 25:D
Vgman @ 2008-01-30 17:08
awsome for lv 20 and under fr00b twinks that cant get on a gcb (or even sloobs)
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