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Item Database - Universal Advantage - Medical Expertise

Universal Advantage - Medical Expertise Icon #81782 Universal Advantages are permitted to send a limited control pulse that overrides people's NCU. The pulse directs superfluous nanobots to do various beneficial electro-chemical adjustments in the host's body. Advantages are only allowed to be used by universally registered organisations.
The advantage is installed by having the organization leader(s) using the command '/org contract' and placing it into the contract container. It takes some minutes before the advantage activates.
The number of combined Quality Levels of advantages is dependent on the number of combined Quality Levels of controllers your organization owns. Also, the maximum number of advantages is dependant on the number of controllers you own.
For more information type /tower help.
Flags Visible
Can Carry
Patch 14.7.1 14.7.4 14.7.5
Change QL:
Value 1250000
Mass 0.1kg
Organization upkeep 1
To Use User Expansion sets & Notum Wars
On Use Target Advantage First aid 36  
Target Advantage Treatment 36  
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