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Item Database - Advanced MTI Martins Simple AR01

Advanced MTI Martins Simple AR01 Icon #13320 This Triple-Jolt inspired Assault Rifle was first presented on the 311th WM-congress on Bruethulot-Mare in 29476. It has currently no support for special attacks, but rumor says those might get added on the next model. It is built on the base of one of Malcolm Dorrits prototypes. The process was supervised by Martin Dorrit, his son. MTI seems to have good faith in the product, regardless of Martins young age and the very simple design of the weapon.
Flags Visible, Modified Description
Can Carry, Wear
Patch 14.5
Change QL:
Type Weapon
Slot Right hand
Value 672400
Equip time 0.5s
Attack time 3s
Recharge time 2s
Range 25 m
Clip 100 - Energy ammo
Damage 1-550 (225) - Fire AC
Initiative skill Ranged init
Mass 3.4kg
Damage View this weapon in the Damage Calculator
Defense skills
Dodge ranged 100 %
Attack skills
Assault rifle 100 %
To Equip User Visual profession == Soldier and
User Assault rifle >= 961
On Equip User Modify Psychology 32  
crackasama @ 2002-11-20 14:57
how do you get this?
duuude006 @ 2003-05-22 01:43
No longer on drop table, FC decided it was "Too good" :P
faelinis @ 2003-06-13 01:12
"It has currently no support for special attacks, but rumor says those might get added on the next model."
it isnt a bad gun but with specials it would be pretty good. amd if FC made it one of those guns you could choose the specials on (like SUmmer SMP) this gun would own. would be the most sutomizeable item in the game...
faelinis @ 2003-06-13 01:13
damn no edit button... sutomizeable = customizeable
Methhh @ 2006-11-02 03:53
This seems useless for combat but it would be helpful for planting high ql towers with psychology reqs... you sure this no longer drops?
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