Moscarelli @ 2002-09-29 00:54
Nice one. Anyone know the whereabouts?
sheez @ 2002-10-17 19:14
i want it i want it i want it!!! any1 know where oh where it drops?
medo @ 2003-01-15 17:46
where? PLZ TELL US
Tommi @ 2003-01-21 03:10
hm,i would thin,they dropp of the dustbrigade...we will kill one,these days,if they dropp,i will post
herqules @ 2003-01-21 21:51
where is this drop?
realreal @ 2003-03-21 19:36
General Nitrox
duuude006 @ 2003-05-14 21:48
Nitrox, a Clan Dust Brigade UBER Boss @ approx 2000x2500 Perpetual Wastelands under the mantis hive there. Good luck killing her, apparently has only happened once EVER in Rimor.... she also drops Threatening Trousers, Safeguarded NCU Memory, & uncommonly the Mapmaker Boots.
joggy @ 2003-06-15 21:03
Vivian drop it as well
Fretter @ 2003-08-03 06:41
Happens Alot on Rimor now, They usually kill Nitrox at least once or twice per day. Yeah those trousers are nice :)
Xeo @ 2006-03-29 14:28
exectly for my 25 level trader ^^
Shadow.ik @ 2007-03-20 19:11
When you get on lvl 25 trader 850 CL I'll give you 1b
AlphaCenta @ 2007-11-29 13:11
Shadowik... you dont have 1b man ;))))))
wintypes @ 2008-01-28 02:47
should be feasable for a lvl75ish trader though. I could buff up to 750 CL at lvl60 on a froob. Anyways... OE will be another story
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