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Item Database - Ringlet of Black Panther Whiskers

Ringlet of Black Panther Whiskers Icon #151922 Thanks to you, Jack the Legchopper is less of a problem.
Flags Visible, Has Multiple Count, Tell Collision, No Drop, Unique, Disable Statel Collision
Can Carry, Wear
Patch 14.5 14.5.1 15.6.7 15.7
Change QL:
Type Armor
Slot Right finger, Left finger
Value 100
Mass 0.05kg
To Equip User Profession == Agent and
User Level >= 180
On Equip User Modify Max health 112  
User Modify Intelligence 14  
User Modify Shotgun 14  
User Modify Fling shot 14  
Towerkilllr @ 2004-04-01 04:04
Info on how to obtain found here ------->
Stormstrider @ 2006-10-30 16:15
Agent ring actually has prof useful mods :O
Twinkywinky @ 2006-12-02 14:23
soldier is pretty good for implant twinking
Xira @ 2007-05-14 15:10
Where did that come from, Twinky? lol
pythagorean @ 2007-07-12 06:45
You tell 'em Xira :D
chenrazee @ 2007-07-22 09:21
The current page for this quest has moved to
agpecko @ 2010-02-04 07:35
Level locked bullshit. Gz funcom.
Anarchangelx @ 2010-03-16 17:26
Look at the other rings, look at what Stormstrider said, look me in the eye and tell me that Stormstrider's statement was not the understatement of the year of 2006, or any year since.
Did other professions forget that they had the Jack ring, because they never found any use for it? Did Agents forget that they had it on, because they never took it off?
Therrito @ 2013-01-16 17:30
I like! :-D
I want! :-D
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