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Item Database - The HSR Detective

The HSR Detective Icon #130908 'The Detective' is only sold to the armed forces - and primarily used with the various offices of intelligence.
Flags Visible, Modified Description, Unique, Disable Statel Collision
Can Carry, Wear
Patch 14.5 17.6
Change QL:
Type Utility
Slot Hud 2
Value 250
Equip time 0.1s
Max health 100000
To Equip User Electrical engineering >= 26
User Level >= 180 and
User Profession == Agent
On Equip User Modify Projectile AC 150  
User Modify Sensory improvement 5  
User Modify Perception 25  
User Modify Concealment 25  
User Modify Breaking and entry 25  
Self Change Vision 3421  
Pfex @ 2003-06-11 01:05
where can I get this?
zxcs @ 2003-08-20 11:12
Special Agent Lamb
Conelius @ 2005-07-16 07:39
would be a nice hud2 item if it didnt blind u when equipped
Ats @ 2006-12-28 09:11
there are much better items to wear in this slot.

Gemini Green Scope, Enkindled Spirit Focus and Star of Stealth to name a few.
Vladja @ 2007-08-03 19:27
@ Ats: none of those items are wearable by froobs.
wintypes @ 2008-01-09 15:44
how does it blind you?
jokeUsa @ 2008-11-04 15:50
Self Change Vision 3421
Binarybot @ 2010-06-09 23:56
Gives a night-vision effect, which can be disabled through the F10 settings menu.
Cratattak @ 2011-03-22 21:07
OMG! impossible reqs at that lvl :P gonna take ages twinking this on my agent
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