Noer @ 2002-12-17 06:18
Drops from Peter Lee
vinsang007 @ 2003-05-14 14:30
lol noob like you dont need it lvl 175 min ^^
Lsnake @ 2003-06-16 21:49
Now things are getting better...The AC is better now, and the mods are stronger. Still..I`d think two times before paying for this instead of waiting til Heavy..
Ubatobd @ 2003-09-13 20:07
Where is this Peter Lee??
Ceane @ 2004-02-14 18:17
Ubatobd he is at Primus Camp in East Foul Plains. He is one of the 5 mercs. But u have to spawn the mercs though :P
Ubatobd @ 2004-02-21 13:24
Primus camp? lol okey, I think I'll wait a little before having this ;)
Notumsurrrge @ 2004-03-13 20:14
Generally takes about 30 people to take him down at a decent speed and spawning otac is such a b****
estboy @ 2004-04-13 19:44
lol look at the equip time :p
mellfix @ 2004-04-24 15:46
All I can say is I just got mine for my fixer yea sws is better for the dms but this thing looks dam kewl. Its more of a status thing now plus I think the medium looks better on us skinny opi's.
Ubatobd @ 2004-07-01 16:44
If you don't have a Shadowweb spinner (only drops like GA, or can be bought in Sanctuaries for some million creds :p) it's nice then ^^
Talan @ 2005-03-30 03:46
MNTA is the best looking for all the NTAs, the HNTA has the crotch plate, and the LNTA looks gimp. MNTA looks swexy.
noir1991 @ 2006-07-21 18:37
HNTA looks waaaaay better
noir1991 @ 2006-07-21 18:37
in looks i mean
Loethlin @ 2007-01-19 16:32
Personally i like the look f this tank better than HNTA, so i picked this one for mt doc.
Style > All
HNTA would chafe my pu... vag... between the legs.
Koudman @ 2008-04-04 12:00
Around 40 mil in Atlantean.
Phiitrox @ 2009-01-10 02:00
just bought one 19m in Rimor
Troika @ 2009-11-08 21:08
an orgmate gave one to me for free :>
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