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Item Database - Barter Body Armor

Barter Body Armor Icon #13252 The Barter Nano Armor is a modification of the original nano armor. It relies on a principle of trade, where the armor exchanges augmenting nanobots againsts building material for new bots. The building materials consist mainly of dead blood cells. Since this procedure is at the fringe of what is legal, the armor is only allowed to be used by Traders.
Flags Visible, Modified Description, Has Damage, Disable Statel Collision
Can Carry, Wear
Patch 14.6 14.8
Change QL:
Type Armor
Slot Body
Value 900000
Equip time 0.1s
Mass 4kg
To Equip User Intelligence >= 541 and
User Psychic >= 521 and
User Visual profession == Trader
On Equip User Texture Body 164943  
User Modify Max health 120  
User Modify Projectile AC 900  
User Modify Melee AC 1200  
User Modify Energy AC 1200  
User Modify Chemical AC 300  
User Modify Radiation AC 900  
User Modify Cold AC 900  
User Modify Poison AC 1200  
User Modify Fire AC 900  
User Modify Nano programming 10  
User Modify Computer literacy 10  
User Modify Nano resist 24  
User Modify Max nano 120  
Tradz0r @ 2003-03-16 08:17
where can i find this kind of armor? or how can i make it?
typomaster @ 2003-07-04 11:59
first you need to get a set of nano armour then i think you need notum and OT liquid cooled nano bots (not quite sure though) but i know you need the nano armour :) PS. what is the name of your trader i can sell you a set of ql 200 nano armour :)
Svpernot @ 2003-08-24 19:06 tells you exactly what you need and how to make it. This is one of the best armors in game that you can mission/make, but is also one of the least known.
niaq @ 2005-01-16 22:46
is this still good for traders who intend to be effective fighters, or is it outdated?
Serturos @ 2005-01-27 18:59
Still see traders in it, excellent for the free account people, none sl&ai
zyx22 @ 2005-05-25 17:42
Heck, this is nice even on people WITH SL/AI
charmo @ 2005-07-28 22:18
Yeah my lvl 160 trader still uses it in SL. Its a great armor and with AC drains you hit 7000k AC easy.
charmo @ 2006-01-29 23:06
have to agree .. ilove this armor.
Yakobo66 @ 2006-06-28 17:31
hehe fp ftw
gdb2222 @ 2007-07-14 00:23
Good for nanomages, with the psychic requirement and extra health. As Yako says, good for agents too.

zerogates @ 2008-03-26 16:31
i doubt i would use it on an agent yakobo :p maybe the NT metaplast :)
ynard @ 2011-09-27 14:26
Uber CL buff item :)
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