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Item Database - Experimental Nanobot Classifying Computer

Experimental Nanobot Classifying Computer Icon #72783 Used only on Marauder Class Slayerdroids, this computer is used for classifying stray nanobots collected by by the slayerdroid's nano accumulators. The intended purpose for it was to sort and re-program nanobots with weak willpower - so that they could be utilized by the droid. As it is, slayerdroids does not have much use for nanobots other than for regeneration. The technology has proven not to be cost efficient.
Flags Visible
Can Carry
Patch 14.6
Change QL:
Value 36000
Mass 0.7kg
edvieira @ 2003-04-18 03:44
Anyone found these yet, or better, has anyone seen "Marauder Class Slayerdroids"?
Fixerben @ 2003-04-25 00:20
I have 1...Dont have a clue what its for though.
claybats @ 2003-04-28 19:40
They are in Clan missions q200+. Used for engie pistol.
hearsehauler @ 2006-03-01 21:24
I recently found one of these on a Slayerdroid mob while pulling a L195 mission. I have seen Marauder Class Slayerdroids as mission mobs.
Thumb @ 2006-03-15 18:24
What drop chance is it? Killed many Slayer (L195) but no drop.
Thumb @ 2006-03-15 18:24
What drop chance is it? Killed many Slayer (L195) but no drop.
Evilcreator @ 2006-08-07 05:58
I found one in a chest in a ql 235 mission
Orichalcon @ 2006-09-10 05:55
These are quite common drops from high level slayerdroids. I have about 6 in my bank from only 2 slayer missions. And I just looted one from a box in a level 198 mission. They should sell fairly cheap if you can't kill enemy slayers by yourself.
neoria @ 2006-10-15 17:45
i just looted one of those out of a Disturbed Slayerdriod, 180ish in a mission. just wanned to let you know, might help.
Sistermoon @ 2007-05-09 01:03
Drop like rain in Clan and Neut missions with slayer mobs, about 50% drop rate or so for me. Slayers started showing up in missions of ql180 or so. Killed many many Slayers at Lush Hills and never found a single one.
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