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Item Database - Metallic Mantis Body Armor

Metallic Mantis Body Armor Icon #13249 It's not easy to tell whether the shell that this armor piece has been built from got its unique properties from some peculiar diet that the original wearer sweared by, whether it got its hue and plasticity due to contact with the notum saturated soil of underground caverns, or simply got mutated due to heavy radiation.
Flags Visible, Modified Description, Has Damage, Disable Statel Collision
Can Carry, Wear
Patch current
72 (interpolated between QL 1 and QL 200)
Change QL:
Type Armor
Slot Body
Value 43586
Equip time 0.1s
Mass 4kg
To Equip User Agility >= 195 and
User Strength >= 176
On Equip User Texture Body 164266  
User Modify Max health 145  
User Modify Projectile AC 436  
User Modify Melee AC 436  
User Modify Energy AC 436  
User Modify Chemical AC 327  
User Modify Radiation AC 218  
User Modify Cold AC 327  
User Modify Poison AC 327  
User Modify Fire AC 218  
User Modify First aid 3  
User Modify Projectile damage modifier 4  
User Modify Melee damage modifier 4  
User Modify Energy damage modifier 4  
User Modify Chemical damage modifier 4  
User Modify Radiation damage modifier 4  
User Modify Cold damage modifier 4  
User Modify Fire damage modifier 4  
User Modify Poison damage modifier 4  
Serturos @ 2004-10-14 17:29
Highest ql142 I got to date, I know Lupin has 160'ish or had, humm why put an item in the DB if it suposidly isn't ingame, yet when I emailed AO support/Q&A they informed me that ql 200 is possible but it is the rarest item in game... humm not sure fi that was bs to make me look like an ass searching mantis out or if it is.. who knows all i know is it gets old camping them little buggers and ql 200 hive guardians are not nice to me^^
Serturos @ 2004-10-14 17:29
* One of the rarest items.
enderleit @ 2004-12-19 21:34
It all depends on people finding the items to make it that high QL. :)
Serturos @ 2005-01-12 15:43
ugh? if the part is ql 120 it will be ql 120 mantis.. the MRR has no effect ont he ql, or am i missing somthing ?
bongbong @ 2005-06-09 18:09
Indeed it dosen't, if your Mantis part is ql 90 it will turn out ql 90. made tomany peices to care to think of mantis
noir1991 @ 2006-06-17 18:11
how much does a set ql90-100 goes roughly ?
Mikro @ 2007-04-30 12:53
1mil per piece on RK1
jarexxx @ 2009-03-16 23:52
Compare to ql 200 miy's tank ..... this is crap!
phaetonXIII @ 2009-05-04 06:36
yea ql200 miys vs ql100 mantis? mantis isnt available at ql200. this is a good stepping stone. and miy tank is str/stam isnt it? this has some decent mods on it, otherwise people wouldnt buy this
Vladja @ 2009-08-12 19:37
Mantis armour can be raised in Ql with sufficiently high tradeskills. I raise a Ql74 piece to Ql75 armour and raised a Ql148 piece to Ql150 armour. Maybe similar as with implants, a part of Ql150+ would be able to be raised with 3Qls but I haven't found a part high enough to try that.
Aurielle @ 2010-11-09 06:15
My soldier is currently wearing a ql200 mantis chest, worth checking GMS occasionally. Not sure where the parts come from ( we made it ), I'm assuming collector.

Also got a hat & some sleeves somewhere.
Xebulba @ 2011-02-07 03:53
@ Aurielle Did you just skim over all the posts above you with the words "Mantis Armor" or just miss the fact that it's called "metallic MANTIS body ARMOR"?? This has been covered but...the pieces to make this entire set drop from mantises in Mantis Den (aka smugglers den).
Murskain @ 2011-02-21 22:31
collector drops QL200
Vladja @ 2019-04-18 11:55
Tradeskilled from Deformed Mantidae Abdomen. Drops in Smuggler's Den from mantises in about Ql70-200.
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