Seppuko @ 2002-07-30 23:03
So where do you go about getting a silly ring? They are kinda pointless but it would be cool to have
Brakan @ 2002-07-31 10:04
No clue I havent seen any of these suckas around if anyone finds one please tell me :)
Qualkekh @ 2002-08-05 21:55
any know who and where it is drop ?
sheez @ 2003-01-30 14:55
lol this is like one of those mythical objects im sure
ninj00rk2 @ 2004-05-09 01:04
drops from hollow island weed, saw it today
Sypiken @ 2004-09-15 09:34
HI Weed =P And alot of the other HI mob's.
Venderim @ 2006-06-08 18:49
The description is hilarious I think lol
Vladja @ 2006-08-22 21:22
I don't think they're pointless, they are the only rings that add stamina for froobs I believe
Vladja @ 2006-08-22 21:23
And that's only because I'm looking for stamina in a ring :D it's like an uber ring of presence lol
Xaerro @ 2006-09-17 16:43
This is one of the rings i like... :) i REALLY like :D
Omnigitist @ 2006-10-02 11:08
Ring of tir do add stamina, but only for clanner
Gart7 @ 2006-10-04 22:05
I want two of those
Desasterarea @ 2006-11-05 20:06
You did realize its for left finger only did you? o.O
Sferykal @ 2006-11-08 14:36
Vladja: There are many rings which boost stamina, some are profession specific (e.g. engineer and fixer ring of the Legchopper quest), others like the "Filigree ring set with a Red beryl" don't even have any requirements to them.
Anyway, this ring here might come in handy in various situations, be it for regular use, or more probably, some kind of twinking.
Anim @ 2011-05-31 09:11
Looted today on my enfo who went for The Argument ;)
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