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Item Database - Ancient Adventurer Sword

Ancient Adventurer Sword Icon #113987 There's some sort of deep purple illinition on the blade of this sword.
Flags Visible, No Drop, Unique
Can Carry, Wear, No Ammo, Brawl, Dimach
Patch 14.4.2 15.0.1
Change QL:
Type Weapon
Slot Right hand, Left hand
Value 824141
Equip time 1.5s
Attack time 2.65s
Recharge time 2.3s
Range 5 m
Damage 60-500 (250) - Poison AC
Initiative skill Melee init
Mass 1.8kg
Multi melee 999
Multi ranged 0
Damage View this weapon in the Damage Calculator
Defense skills
Evade close 100 %
Attack skills
1h Edged 100 %
To Equip User Profession == Adventurer and
User 1h Edged >= 1181 and
User Brawl >= 655 and
User Dimach >= 219
On Equip User Modify Max health 500  
User Modify Strength 10  
User Modify Multi melee 15  
User Modify Evade close 20  
maddiganed @ 2002-07-29 11:32
Where this item could be found?
Xyberviri @ 2002-08-07 08:51
This Items has to be Made the Piece are also NODROP/UNIQUE
fiwel @ 2002-08-20 21:43
this really is in game? any one ever seen it posted or have it ?
Jho @ 2002-08-22 15:06
Please post what pieces i need to create this weapon. If I can collect the pieces I'd like to do so now heh, and not latah
ramifinubi @ 2002-09-07 06:24
fuck that.. this is like an eot that you can wierd and not be oe'd wtf
ramifinubi @ 2002-09-07 06:24
wierd = wield btw heh
NoEvadesDiff @ 2002-09-15 20:21
Will be planed for the 14.6 Patch
MisFit @ 2002-11-20 16:16
haha! NoDorkDiff messed up again. You don't know shit, do you DIFF!
d3ZMaTHi0 @ 2002-11-30 15:27
if anyone has info plz send email

Dezmathio RK2
tcollings @ 2002-12-13 17:01
Quote from an original post in the AO Forums:

"My good Adventurers!

I started on the quest for that sword and a lot of other Adventurer gear long time ago and it is entirely my fault that some of the items found its way into the live database before the quest has been implemented. And don�t blame CZ for this, it is impossible for him to know about everything that goes on in the dark corners of the designer room

These Adventurer quests (over 20 in all) the AAS is a part of have been held up for various reasons, the main one being that in making them I have been testing a lot of new things we have never done before and when this is introduced, I really would like it to work on the first try.

Lots of other things have happened in the meanwhile delaying this project further, various patches, Notum Wars, Shadowlands etc. But don�t despair, these quests will eventually get onto live and I am sure that they will be way cooler than I had intended in the first place as the technology available to us who make the content gets better all the time.

I can not give you an ETA for this right now, but anyhow I felt that you should know where this matter stands at the moment.

And yes, the Buccaneer Pistol is a part of this as well, and the version you have seen in the database is not the final one.

And yes, there are other items and nanos involved with these quests, but they haven�t made it into the database yet." - JHP, AO Developer 13th December 2002.

Original Post at :
Chaoz @ 2003-02-12 18:41
Where this item could be found?
Chaoz @ 2003-02-17 20:41
Pls help me I need it but i can't found it !
Slammer @ 2003-03-20 23:49
Can't find it? Well tcollings just told you where it is in his post.. Re-read it to figure it out. And if you STILL dont know where to find it, keep re-reading it over and over again untill you figure it out =)
draahgon @ 2003-05-26 19:15
cool, 20 quests for Advs? I'm not the "I-read-every-post-in-the-forums-every-day" kind of guy, but where can I find more info on these quests and when they might go live? Email me! -

//Dunewanderer, Adv
Hymera @ 2004-07-27 16:05
funcom never do not this quests...
My good Adventurers ... bla bla bla ...
Strupstad @ 2005-02-05 21:40
The quest (or quests) for this weapon are not in game yet. No point looking for it...
fyrdragon350 @ 2005-02-09 04:34
i cant wait to find this weapon when it does become available. imagine the damage ratio inflicted on the targets :)
DJLost03 @ 2005-03-11 13:01
Wow, this has been 'in the works' for over 2 years.
I wish the devs would fix RK stuff, implement all the quests, fix the droprates in certian places (been to Steps of Madness lately?) and tweak a few spawn times, instead of implementing new, 200+ only Alien Raid Fields...come up with a new unique mob, maybe drop a new faction/city/area on RK, something. Something that requires a little bit more then gathering 64 people in one place, making a CH rotation and waiting for Ian Warr, or whoever to die. Possibly a rouge band of Unicorns (the Omni-Tek kind, not the SL kind...freak) or a group of Clan doctors go nuts and take over an outpost, fill it with crap that makes the biofreak carcasses look like swimsuit models. Make is a dungeon with attitude, that takes 2 teams or more...has areas for levels 20 to 200...(or something), and is requires some thought, like CoH.

my 2 cents...bah and humbug.
Software @ 2006-11-28 19:52

Splendid idea, lets focus on all the froob areas when they dont even contribute to the game.
zerogates @ 2006-11-29 04:45
I wonder Software if froobs don't contribute anything i wonder why they have any play. Oh I know, they do contribute and you just don't have a clue about anything. And Paid players don't spend 100% of their game experience in Sl.
jeycihn @ 2006-12-12 06:54
I'm not a fr00b, but I also know that fr00bs made this game worth playing again. and most of the people complaining about them, are the ones that don't mind farming pvp points off them either :P They populate the game, and add plenty, and I can't possibly see how they bother anyone...unless maybe you're intimidated by them somehow, or wtfpnwed by a fr00b syndrome :P lol...if u feel they have less to risk by hassling you, there's always the mighty powerful ignore option. have fun, play the game, and stop pickin on the poor fr00beh popluation!
vlada @ 2007-01-21 00:36
too bad this never got ingame,if they boosted the min damage a bit(by say a 100-125) this would be a pretty viable endgame weapon,kinda reminds me of a SoW...
vlada @ 2007-01-21 00:36
for RK stuff at least**
daidi @ 2007-03-22 12:49
I dont understand why they still have not put this ingame. It is definitly not overpowered today or something like that especially because no one except a froob would use it. So come on, FC!
Gurudee @ 2007-07-12 06:27
now, this is just a guess...
do you think that maybe if they put in 20 advy specific quests, that the general populace would say WTF !!!!
where are all the soldier quests, or shade quests, or...well...any prof specific quests?
(not prof specific rewards from the same quest mind you, they were talking about SPECIFIC quests for advys)

Face it,
some advy playing dev got ahead of themselves and dumped items in game for a quest he wanted to see introduced but which got shut down cause it was a bad idea that would have pissed a lot of players off.
Shareida @ 2007-07-25 16:21
Hopes are high it gets ingame 17.5
djedj @ 2007-08-06 16:19
many profs have already their "prof quests", like fixers for grid, MA for their totw attacks, traders for their pets...
So no, I don't see how ppl would be pissed of if those quests ever made it to live.
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