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Item Database - Blazing Pistol of Liaker the Buccaneer

Blazing Pistol of Liaker the Buccaneer Icon #113988 The scrimshaw handle of the pistol is inscribed with the name 'Liaker'.
Flags Visible, No Drop, Unique
Can Carry, Wear, Fling Shot
Patch 14.4.2 14.7.3 15.0.1
Change QL:
Type Weapon
Slot Right hand, Left hand
Value 1034077
Equip time 0.5s
Attack time 3s
Recharge time 1s
Range 26 m
Clip 60 - Bullets
Damage 30-425 (355) - Fire AC
Initiative skill Ranged init
Mass 2.8kg
Multi melee 0
Multi ranged 1000
Damage View this weapon in the Damage Calculator
Defense skills
Dodge ranged 100 %
Attack skills
Pistol 100 %
To Equip User Profession == Adventurer and
User Pistol >= 1181 and
User Fling shot >= 591
On Equip User Modify Max health 450  
User Modify Pistol 15  
User Modify Ranged init 30  
User Modify Evade close 30  
maddiganed @ 2002-07-29 11:34
This look like the best pistol but 1181 in pistol????
I mean, how an adventurer even full buffed and wrangle could obtain 1181 in pistol?
(the same for Ancient Adventurer Sword 1181 in 1hEdged)
Ylixia @ 2002-08-19 20:44
Ballad of Plains Wanderer (+100) + Premium Wrangle (+132) + Pistol Mastery (+40) + Full Set of ql200 Implants (+207) - also general Sense & Agi buffs if not Opifex
Holsen @ 2002-09-24 09:23
dont forget the +120 pistol who can be added with others buffs. (Ask me on RB2, i can cast it ^^)
Moscarelli @ 2002-09-29 00:48
Where does this lovely little pistol come from?
catalyste @ 2003-02-03 04:23
Well if it is ever actually released into the game (lots of stuff is in the list and not in the game), I will gladly help you find it :)
draahgon @ 2003-05-26 19:19
Quote from an original post in the AO Forums:

"My good Adventurers!

I started on the quest for that sword and a lot of other Adventurer gear long time ago and it is entirely my fault that some of the items found its way into the live database before the quest has been implemented. And don�t blame CZ for this, it is impossible for him to know about everything that goes on in the dark corners of the designer room

These Adventurer quests (over 20 in all) the AAS is a part of have been held up for various reasons, the main one being that in making them I have been testing a lot of new things we have never done before and when this is introduced, I really would like it to work on the first try.

Lots of other things have happened in the meanwhile delaying this project further, various patches, Notum Wars, Shadowlands etc. But don�t despair, these quests will eventually get onto live and I am sure that they will be way cooler than I had intended in the first place as the technology available to us who make the content gets better all the time.

I can not give you an ETA for this right now, but anyhow I felt that you should know where this matter stands at the moment.

And yes, the Buccaneer Pistol is a part of this as well, and the version you have seen in the database is not the final one.

And yes, there are other items and nanos involved with these quests, but they haven�t made it into the database yet." - JHP, AO Developer 13th December 2002.

Original Post at :

vlada @ 2007-01-21 00:33
this never got ingame,would be nice ;/
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