18.8.62 | Live servers: 18.8.62

Item Database - Lick Wounds

Lick Wounds Icon #84733 When in the form of a Sabretooth, the adventurer is able to periodically execute this self-only instant heal. This program is tiring to execute and can only be used every 31 seconds.
Flags Modified Description, Want Collision
Patch 14.4.2 15.0.1 15.5.5 18.8.53
QL 149
Crystal Nano Crystal (Scale Reconstruction)
NCU 46
Nanocost 190
School Healing: Adventurer instant heal
Attack time 0.01s
Recharge time 0.01s
Range 1 m
Effect icon Icon 44236
Stacking order 3
Defense skills
Nano resist 0 %
Attack skills
Biological metamorphosis 53 %
Matter metamorphosis 47 %
To Use User Profession == Adventurer and
User Biological metamorphosis >= 704 and
User Matter metamorphosis >= 632 and
User Form == 30356 and
User Level >= 135
On Use User Hit Health 1028 .. 1048  
User Cast Recovering from Lick Wounds  
katora @ 2005-11-20 05:21
This nano has saved my life so many times...
remeX @ 2006-05-02 16:56
Siaynoque @ 2006-07-05 10:30
Yes, it is rollable.
wintypes @ 2007-02-19 21:17
no, it's not, according to Arpa3's rollability fact table.
Katchulata @ 2009-03-18 06:53
Its dyna loot ive seen it many times
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