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Item Database - Treatment and Pharmacy Library

Treatment and Pharmacy Library Icon #161870 The Treatment and Pharmacy Library is a helpful aid for the educated doctor only. It does so by giving advice and making medical knowledge temporarily availabe through a CTM transmitter.
Flags Visible, Disable Statel Collision
Can Carry, Wear, Can Wear With Social Armor
Patch current
33 (interpolated between QL 1 and QL 200)
Change QL:
Type Utility
Slot Utils 2
Value 88946
Attack time 1s
Mass 3.2kg
To Equip User Computer literacy >= 138 and
User Treatment >= 148 and
User Profession == Doctor
On Equip User Modify First aid 3  
User Modify Treatment 8  
User Modify Pharmaceuticals 3  
Carl @ 2005-04-08 02:26
Guess no agents on this then :(
Cheysey @ 2005-09-24 17:27
where or how do i get it?
LeDaddy @ 2005-10-09 04:20
It's a tradeskill process. See link below.
Moniker @ 2006-03-04 20:27
I know, its like IMPOSSIBLE to twink agents right? jebus, give us something to work with! </sarcasm>
Whitey @ 2006-10-26 14:43
wheee doc lub :D
gdb2222 @ 2008-02-25 14:33
Agents can use this one, though:
gdb2222 @ 2009-04-23 01:01
No need to get ql 200, by the way, ql 197 - 200 all give the same buffs, and ofc the 197 ql ones are slightly easier to equip.

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