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Item Database - Treatment Library

Treatment Library Icon #161869 The Treatment Library actively aids you when performing medical treatment on yourself or others. It does so by giving advice and making medical knowledge temporarily availabe through a CTM transmitter.
Flags Visible, Disable Statel Collision
Can Carry, Wear, Can Wear With Social Armor
Patch current
20 (interpolated between QL 1 and QL 200)
Change QL:
Type Utility
Slot Utils 2
Value 48191
Attack time 1s
Mass 3.2kg
To Equip User Computer literacy >= 86 and
User Treatment >= 93
On Equip User Modify First aid 2  
User Modify Treatment 4  
Docb @ 2002-07-31 23:35
Hiya, where is there a web site, where i can see how 2 make teratment library.
Goliday @ 2002-08-04 08:55
Get a Portable Surgery Clinic and a hacker tool and get someone to hack it for you. Then get a Pharma Tech Tutoring Device and another hacker tool (yes, they are spent), and get that haced too. Now add the Hacked Pharma Tech Tutoring Device to the Hacked Portable Surgery Clinic. Done. There is also a version for doc only where you combine the items in opposite order.
Evercast @ 2003-11-25 13:18
Toebiter @ 2005-07-31 13:51
NOTE the guide is wrong, the final QL for a treatment library is based off the surgery, NOT the Tutor. Its the Doc only version that is based off the Tutor.
Sorhan @ 2006-04-18 13:05
Combined ql125 Surgery Clinic and QL133 Tutoring Device, gave me QL129 Treatment library.
pusikas @ 2006-05-05 04:01
I always get ql129 Treatment Libraries from the ql125 Surgery Clinics in the superior shops. The ql110 one goes up to ql113.
mikek3332002 @ 2007-02-05 13:28
Satertek @ 2008-09-26 13:41
So I don't have to figure these out again...breakpoints:

1(2), 8(3), 20(4), 33(5), 45(6), 57(7), 70(8), 82(9), 95(10), 107(11)
120(12), 132(13), 145(14), 157(15), 169(16), 182(17), 194(18)
roger1985 @ 2009-02-08 07:36
a buy one ql 200 in rk2 PST : Xinkwizytorx
skyguy001 @ 2010-03-24 02:59
just do a /tell recipebot recipe. and look for it. it will show you how to make it
tazerboy @ 2011-11-24 05:55
or just do OT-OCC shopping: wtb treatment lib xD
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