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Item Database - Padded Love Arms

Padded Love Arms Icon #13221 Jeremi Love came to Rubi-Ka with a background as a skilled miner. It soon became apparent that he had more talents, and that mining was not the only skill he possessed. Some claim that he was in reality Mounteney Jephson - the legendary adventurer, explorer, columnist and engineer. Whoever he was - fact is that no man did ever see him sleep. When he did not work in the mine he worked on one of his many projects. One of them was developing a type of protection that would be better suited against the harsh climatic changes often experienced in the mines. This was the Love Shirt, that gave good protection against Fire and Cold. An automated workshop was put up to produce the new garment, and it was used in the company with some success.
When the first clan uprise evolved there were little protective gear to be found that was fit for warfare. Love's Workshop was stolen and modified to produce a padded version of the gear, which were used, mainly by clan spies and scouts, for more than 120 years (when the machine broke down). A set of Padded Love armor is still valued today for its special purposes.
Flags Visible, Modified Description, Has Damage, Disable Statel Collision
Can Carry, Wear
Patch 14.2.1
Change QL:
Type Armor
Slot Right arm, Left arm
Value 1000
Equip time 1s
Mass 0.4kg
To Equip User Visual profession == Fixer and
User Stamina >= 10
On Equip User Texture Arms 9607  
User Modify Projectile AC 4  
User Modify Melee AC 4  
User Modify Energy AC 3  
User Modify Chemical AC 3  
User Modify Radiation AC 1  
User Modify Cold AC 10  
User Modify Poison AC 1  
User Modify Fire AC 10  
User Modify Psychological modifications 1  
User Modify Dodge ranged 1  
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