Kasimodo @ 2002-11-03 12:47
Where can I get that? Or isn't it in the game yet?
Sneakywee @ 2003-03-03 17:32
Random Chest loot in missions.
spy @ 2004-01-01 20:49
you have to build the suit .. need the sealed orders from lab director in foremans mine
dingdong @ 2004-01-17 00:36
now i have the standart one, can i upgrade it? and how can i?
Evercast @ 2004-08-04 16:28
The Advanced Standard Bureaucrat Suit is a very rare chest loot item.
Neksy @ 2005-03-11 16:24
There is one Crat suit buildable. But THIS ONE above isn't the builded one. U can only find it in Missions as a (goddamn) Rare chest loot.
donger @ 2005-08-25 00:44
....omg, why would they make the BETTER crat suit EASIER to get? this is FC were talking about people, this suit requires a mission to get peeps, the OTHER suit is mission and mob loot, had a few on my keeper =P
janetis @ 2006-03-22 12:23
Found it twice on a lvl 185 mission.
wintypes @ 2007-03-11 22:32
beh, the chest wasn't there any more when I brought someone who wanted to loot it :/
kajah @ 2007-07-30 03:37
I just logged an old froob soldier i have, and found this in his bank :P ( lower ql ofc)
MaZe @ 2007-12-29 09:57
Found1 @RK mish (QL179) :)
Gotta copy mish key and loot it to my Crat.. (but gotta admit, its rare)
Cppthis @ 2008-11-24 23:58
Can confirm these still drop, looted a lvl78 on a friend's mission last night. Very rare mission loot.
BTW this one can be used by FP agents, regular crat suit can't.
broneweek @ 2009-09-26 15:14
Newby island boss (lizard) drop it QL2 ;-)
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