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Item Database - Lokas Web Cloak

Lokas Web Cloak Icon #160451 Like its predecessors, the Lokas Web Cloak also utilizes a flow of nanobots to interrupt projectiles and short-wave energy attacks. But, instead of making this flow a constant 'wave' or 'whirlwind', it constitutes of 9 'clusters' that encircle the user. These can be commanded to shield the user in any direction, or at all sides at once. No physical skills are needed, but you will need some tactical skill and focus to control the thing.
Flags Visible, Modified Description, Has Damage, Disable Statel Collision
Can Carry, Wear
Patch current
137 (interpolated between QL 1 and QL 200)
Change QL:
Type Armor
Slot Back
Value 102592
Equip time 0.1s
Mass 1.14kg
Max health 479500
To Equip User Intelligence >= 376 and
User Psychic >= 342
On Equip User Modify Projectile AC 685  
User Modify Melee AC 685  
User Modify Energy AC 685  
User Modify Chemical AC 432  
User Modify Radiation AC 432  
User Modify Cold AC 617  
User Modify Poison AC 432  
User Modify Fire AC 617  
User Modify Max nano 14  
Antiggony @ 2002-08-08 19:39
Has anyone noticed how the low lvl Locas has int/psy as the reqs but the high lvl ones want Stam/psy... this is the same as the Marcus web cloak...

So there are no high lvl cloaks for int/psy based characters yet 2 for stam/psy based characters... looks like a bug to me
tale @ 2002-08-29 01:13
Looks to me like none of the ql200 web cloaks can be self-equipped by a nanomage without implanting for the core ability. Don't want to do that? Then you have less flexibility with being able to wear social clothes, if you really want a ql200 non-dress on your back in your combat gear. Kind of stinks.

Oh well, at least the black nano dress looks kind of cool.
RainFrost @ 2005-12-18 11:39
well, 200 got int/psy now too since 14.6 :)
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