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Item Database - Living Cyber Armor Pants

Living Cyber Armor Pants Icon #13290 Induced with life by the clan of prophecy, for all true seekers of life and bliss.
This item is a 'Leveling' item. It means that when you level up, the armor will level up with you until you reach level 200.
Flags Visible, Modified Description, No Drop, Has Damage, Disable Statel Collision
Can Carry, Wear
Patch 14.4.2 18.8.53
Change QL:
Type Armor
Slot Legs
Value 750
Equip time 0.1s
Mass 0.6kg
Max health 1000
On Equip User Texture Legs 9411  
User Modify Max health 25  
User Modify Projectile AC 3  
User Modify Melee AC 3  
User Modify Energy AC 3  
User Modify Chemical AC 1  
User Modify Radiation AC 1  
User Modify Cold AC 3  
User Modify Poison AC 1  
User Modify Fire AC 3  
User Modify Max nano 25  
Yurdle @ 2005-12-29 21:17
Where can we get this, since party mixer only gives out body, boots and gloves. Is it an extremely rare drop in subways, and is it rollable from mission terminals?
Shiare @ 2006-03-16 03:02
Haven't rolled it in any missions myself, but I have a full suit (missing sleeves) and all pieces dropped in the subway, bottom level from burnouts and the boss vergile. I was told that the subway is the only place living cyber armor drops as loot, not sure how true that is though.
RobB @ 2006-09-03 20:04
It is 100% true and it is not rollable
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