Sakumi @ 2002-12-17 01:07
Wow where's this very powerfull Katana??
Suicidek @ 2003-03-12 18:20
I would also like to know where to get this katana.
Xyberviri @ 2003-03-25 13:56
The katana can befound in the trader shop up to ql 125 or 150, the other drops can be found in missions as rewards. I equip'd this version of the True Katana's at level 115, im a adventurer. right now im 136 with about 600 Melee init it does start to pick up the dmg pace. Enforcers that use to use the Sledge hammer of Doom alot should be familer with the attack cycle this weapon generates.
My Average Hit is roughly 1200 with a Atk of 850.
My Max Critical Hit is 3158 with a ATK of 850 and a Ql 30 Flurry active.
occasionally a Dimach up to 1500 but its normally like 400-600 points of dmg(a dimach using this weapon that is)
Scoville @ 2003-07-26 13:36
Anybody who can cast something useful during the recharge cycle should give the true katanas (or the sledgehammers) a look :)
I put a true katana on an atrox NT and focussed on the fast attack, slow recharge nukes. Katana and nanos recharge together, and both have big recharge compared to attack time, so he comes reasonably close to full-time damage-dealing in each flavor. He nukes almost full-time and occasionally chops for a big number. It does seem to help a lot to pause nuking for a second, when the sword is ready to swing. Otherwise, during nano recharge phase, there's some extra delay before the swing happens. Anyone know why that might be?
Anyway, maybe a nanomage NT could nuke a little harder, but I think the sword damage more than makes up. I'd be leery of melee if he were a nanomage.
Not sure this plan is viable to QL200, but at level 52 he is still dealing nice damage.
megasajan @ 2003-08-15 02:11
A wonderfull weapon,i had at first 2 1he Weapons,than the Meibutsu Katana of Celerity (2he),than that wonderfull weapon,with lv 161 the QB and at lv 185 the EQB and Finally at lv 220 the Abyssal Desecrator (I hope).
Shadowlands will come,and with SL comes the Abyssal Desecrator (in my Right Hand :D )
mrtrade @ 2003-08-30 19:59
Attack time 2 s
Recharge time 7 s
Recharge time suxxx
nodrugz @ 2003-11-08 02:25
well, this sword is teh Sword! with some good melee init and full agg u get decent attack/recharge and u hit insanely hard...
Dead66 @ 2003-11-30 09:37
you wish this wepon can attak fast if you put buufs on in the recharge time then this dont wast time it all and i am in need a one my name is Talui on RBK2 atealn
Dead66 @ 2004-01-26 00:10
NM this wepon does suck
Sypiken @ 2004-12-05 02:05
This weapon used to roxx. But I guess n00bs joining the game after SL arriwed dont really get that.
Serturos @ 2004-12-14 18:00
1k melle init, 1k - 2h3, 800 brawl, Attack is 1, recharge is 4, I kow of a doc 205 or whatever he is now, Will differ from the people who know shit about this weapon, just because you hit with a slower recharge does not make it crap, does not make you a n00b, and when you have a class that has all blue attack skills this weapon at 200 or above has very powerfull attacks, and you will do some pretty high dmg, for none dmg classes, if you want speed go play with your howlets,panthers, and so forth, as to sypiken not everyone starts the game with insane money or ebay creds, so mission rewards and your taking your time or token farming and your of choice of this wepon as added dmg it's more than impressive, 50-900 average dmg with matched skills on RK is around 1550-2200, sl I have not seen due to the doc healing gimpy enfo's and shades.
The IMPORTANT part is at the end of the day who gives a fuck what we say or think, be orignial and go with your own choice, or be like mike and blend in.
Serturos @ 2004-12-14 18:05
To add, if any one even cares,
Damage Calculator!
True Katana of the Loyal Samurai
Your critical hit will be 3725 points.
Your normal hits will vary between 225 and 3200 points.
Over 10 seconds you would do about 9707 points of damage.
You would score 5 normal, and critical hits.
The damage done by normal attacks would be 8565 points and 1142 points would be special attacks.
Serturos @ 2004-12-14 18:09
All in all said and done, nice for mp, doc, nt, so forth, your toon, your choice.
Serturos @ 2004-12-14 18:14
Oh, and as for all the n00b basher, check out Enforcer weapon (chosen weapon)Staff of the Typhoon, there is not a HUGE gap between these weapons skills wise req wise.
Omnigitist @ 2007-01-31 18:36
Nothing wrong with this katana, my engie use this, and i am satisfy with it, manage to take agro from my trimmed slayer even, slow, but back a punch, that's my oppinion
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