rockhead @ 2003-06-02 11:37
Lazare @ 2004-01-06 19:58
Don�t forget Advanced Joint Clans Scout Pistol...These Rock me thinks
Jestra @ 2004-03-10 12:36
Are they rollable at a mission booth ?
Shock_Wave @ 2004-04-15 07:06
Yea its missinable
yostaghost @ 2004-04-24 19:39
Yes BBI's are great, but once you get to mid 100's they are no longer that great. They are cheap and easy to obtain though. I personally Right now have a BBI, and a flux pistol on. But a Jepp, and japp pistol, rock the bbi's pants.
yostaghost @ 2004-04-24 19:46
bah was supposed to say jspp, and jepp pistols.
Icarys @ 2004-05-07 04:17
MTI Greys are also great Adventurer Pistols they are quite nice
Kirashi @ 2004-06-06 23:17
I have 2 BBI 750's on, quite nice damage and speed with TIM scope :)
Xevil @ 2005-12-12 08:50
Rockhead you been smokin too many rocks. BBI 4TL Min dmg on this junk blows.
Sferykal @ 2005-12-18 10:43
Xevil, don't forget at what time Rockhead wrote the comment. Infact, if you go back through the changes of this gun you will actually find out they increased the min. damage from 1 to 30.
Secondly, I guess for RK stuff this gun is still a viable alternative. That these cannot compare to all the SL and even more so AI weapons is out of question, they were never meant to. In return they are really easy to obtain (mission reward you can roll for).
donger @ 2006-03-11 00:25
CDR pwns the hell out of this, as a off hand ofc =)
Sniv @ 2006-10-05 06:41
imho the SOL K-91 Gold Monster pwns the BBI. Let's compare what dmg-sim says:
BBI: Over 10 seconds you would do about 1626 points of damage. (1474+152)
SOL: Over 10 seconds you would do about 2345 points of damage. (2207+138)
Both guns have FlingShot, but the SOL has lower reqs than BBI.
Besides, SOLs aren't Advy only which makes it a handy weapon on other pistol using profs.
A relatively easy to obtain and powerful fr00b gun. Any questions so far? :p
Sniv @ 2006-10-05 06:54
Sry, BBI has lower reqs...mixed it up a bit *cough*
Anyway, by the time you're able to wear the BBI, you can easily selfbuff / wrangle dual SOLs onto your char. :)
Houseofsleep @ 2007-01-12 16:13
Re. BBi versus SOL - I believe BBI has a much faster fling cycle than the SOL - so does more damage over time. 10 secs is a bit short for running comparisons. (mind you there's not much difference between them) - I find better for damage calculations as it's easier to set up variables such as time
Houseofsleep @ 2007-01-12 16:36
Sorry - my bad - the BBi will outdamage the SOL only if you have a relatively low init - if you were trading off init in order to equip a targeting scope for higher crit chance for example.
necromantiq @ 2009-02-14 20:34
BBI 750 much better that sol k-91, look for weapons speed, also look for mti grey, nice gun for froobs too
sol k-91 nice for low level, till to ql 130-150. after bbi and mti grey better
necromantiq @ 2009-02-14 20:38
btw damage calculator here is sucks - Your normal hits will vary between 105 and 435 points.
how its can be with 1000 AR?! with this AR u dmg will be 105 - 1335. and crit 2053..
greesyboy @ 2009-06-09 11:18
learn to set target AC
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