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Item Database - Manex Catastrophe February

Manex Catastrophe February Icon #33153 The slowest firing SMG ever made, but with an ample capacity for ammo. The manufacturer considered it a disaster at launch, but people have a tendency to like things exaggerated. For the time being it is staying in the market, although it's still thought of as a curiosity by Manex.
Flags Visible, Modified Description
Can Carry, Wear, Burst
Patch 13.8 14.6 14.8 14.9 15.0.1
Change QL:
Type Weapon
Slot Right hand
Value 26437
Equip time 4s
Attack time 3.5s
Recharge time 3.5s
Range 14 m
Clip 200 - Bullets
Damage 1-179 (28) - Projectile AC
Attack rating cap 313
Burst cycle 3000
Initiative skill Ranged init
Mass 8.5kg
Damage View this weapon in the Damage Calculator
Defense skills
Dodge ranged 100 %
Attack skills
Smg 100 %
To Equip User Smg >= 192 and
User Burst >= 145
Jedrox @ 2006-12-28 19:23
would love it if attack speed would be 1.5/1.5 or 1/3......
buttmuffin @ 2007-09-20 05:44
what, you cant raise your inits?
Binarybot @ 2011-09-18 01:06
1950 inits at full agg needed to make this 1/1 now, or 5250 at full def... Loved this gun pre-SL, even for its slowness, but now it just feels like an antique
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