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Item Database - Heavily Padded Overcoat

Heavily Padded Overcoat Icon #18849 This coat seems to be padded with more than just straw.
Flags Visible, Has Multiple Count, Unique, Has Damage, Disable Statel Collision
Can Carry, Wear
Patch 13.8 15.0.1 15.0.6 18.4.5
Change QL:
Type Armor
Slot Back
Value 1707000
Equip time 0.1s
Mass 6.2kg
Max health 700000
To Equip User Agility >= 350 and
User Strength >= 350 and
User Level >= 100
On Equip User Texture Body 8729  
User Texture Arms 21819  
User Texture Legs 155099  
User Modify Projectile AC 900  
User Modify Melee AC 900  
User Modify Energy AC 900  
User Modify Chemical AC 900  
User Modify Radiation AC 900  
User Modify Cold AC 650  
User Modify Poison AC 900  
User Modify Fire AC 650  
User Modify Nano pool 20  
User Modify Body development 20  
User Modify Duck explosives 20  
User Mesh Body robe  
blasta2049 @ 2002-04-23 09:43
anyone know where can i find this coat? send a tell at Piggly/Dreamers of RK1 please.
Noer @ 2002-04-24 17:16
Drops from Tarasque
blasta2049 @ 2002-04-26 00:08
Thank you, Noer
tremor @ 2004-09-26 19:14
what's this: "Max health 700000" ??
Pironic @ 2005-03-02 21:13
you can't wear it if you have more than 700k hp... you know anyone with that? lol, me either
Betancore @ 2005-09-24 20:55
I have no clue what that 700k hp thing is but thats not a req, im wearing one right now and alot of other back armors say 700k hp on it
Sferykal @ 2006-12-12 19:09
Sure as in the 700k HP is an actual modifier "On Equip" and not just a stat of the item itself. *rollseyes* Aside of that ...

I used it for some time on my froobie soldier; together with black glasses and the black omni shoulderpads it not only has a big ++ in the look factor, but also provides decent ACs with not too shabby modifiers. However, it's rather expensive compared to other back armor choices (at least these available to froobies).

PS: Hi Serj, thanks for the thing!
wintypes @ 2007-02-25 20:47
actaully what's so good about it? ACs are mediocre, so are the boni :/
wintypes @ 2007-02-26 23:14
uhm.. ok, I take back my doubts, the reqs are pretty low. Actually... it might be a totw twink item if there wasn't the lvl lock
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