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Item Database - Sapphire Seven Lynx Advantage

Sapphire Seven Lynx Advantage Icon #81777 By agreeing on joining a clan type organisation you also agree on sharing a mutual nano pool. This nano pool is placed in Grid Space. Each time you sleep, rest or meditate, some of your personal nano pool is drained into the joint pool. This pool is continously used when you are active. The extra, external nanobots you recieve are exlusively used to boost specific skills and abilities. Which abilities depend on the settings in the 'Advantage' Item.
Renting Grid Space is expensive, so all organisation members have to pay money for its upkeep. However, certain ideal organisations sponsor this upkeep (and more) in return for being allowed to reduce some of your skills and abilities. They have different reasons for this, all from ideals of chastity, temperance or frugality to scientific research. The special sponsor items are called 'Moderations'.
Flags Visible
Can Carry
Patch 15.0.1
Change QL:
Value 84000
Mass 0.1kg
Organization upkeep 12000
To Use User Level >= 150
On Use Target Modify Stamina 4  
Target Modify Intelligence 12  
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