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Item Database - New Miyashiro Superior Coffee Machine

New Miyashiro Superior Coffee Machine Icon #155965 A truly superior design - the Miyashiro Coffee Machine deserves its position as the best Coffee Machine ever made. Several types of coffee can be made with it. You just need one coffee block - and you'll have coffee for the rest of your life.
Flags Visible, Unique
Can Carry
Patch 13.6
Change QL:
Value 18250
Mass 0.6kg
Diff @ 2002-07-29 03:57
Currently broke for now. Supposed to be fixed in the 14.6 patch
Carroy @ 2007-08-29 00:38
is this thing ingame?
museerouge @ 2008-11-06 07:12
Yes, it's ingame. This is just the step before adding the coffee block to complete the machine.
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