Nukemeh @ 2006-10-29 23:06
Ninja @ 2006-04-18 19:07
@ Comi
If you were pvping and you opened up your NCU it would be there for .01 seconds :D
The point of you seeing it in your NCU, would be depending on the Duration Time, not the Attack/Recharge Time.
If you take a second and look there is no duration time, so wondering if they should add a duration time or not, probably wont, but anyways these pistols(Customized IMI Desert Reet 1000) freaking pwn, for a mid lvl engineer.
My lvl 127 Nanomage engineer still uses them with a 200 slayer, and it used them at lvl 41ish, which ODed just about everything in the temple, and when i went to mortiigs in spade, still ODed everyone even though i had a 200slayer, Hecks well it still pwned them too, ODing advies with JEPP, and soldiers with JCGPP, even agents/shades. Engineers PWN if ya know what your doing /tell Nukemeh for help ;)