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Item Database - Enhanced NCU Chip with Recompiling Core

Enhanced NCU Chip with Recompiling Core Icon #119139 This NCU chip has a special Recompiling Core that lowers the cost of using nano programs by a small amount.
Flags Visible, Has Multiple Count
Can Carry, Wear
Patch 13.4 13.6
Change QL:
Type Utility
Slot Deck 1, Deck 2, Deck 3, Deck 4, Deck 5, Deck 6
Value 90000
Equip time 30s
Mass 0.15kg
To Equip User Computer literacy >= 213
On Equip User Modify NCU memory 24  
User Modify Nano cost modifier -1  
andyzweb @ 2005-04-22 00:25
where do i get these
merentha @ 2005-05-28 00:18
just found one off a mob in the foreman's office. Was gonna ask what the deal on these was myself lol
Moniker @ 2005-08-27 13:40
This would be awesome for docs or nts, suprising it isnt nodrop or unique.
bugi @ 2005-09-22 16:20
Since 16.0, these drop like candy from the new "floating ball"-adds spawned by the Lab Director. Each add drops 1-2 of these. It spawns adds like 1 after a little bit of fighting, then 1 more after a little more fighting, then little bit later 2 at once.. I didnt fight long enough to check if it would spawn more adds...
heisann @ 2007-02-17 15:01
These are great for low level Atrox keeper. Atm level 35, GCB, 5 of these and QL 60 Carb. That gives enough NCU for some levels.
Benjamn @ 2007-03-17 11:11
omg no lvl cap! the new pre 20 ncu!
Benjamn @ 2007-03-17 11:11
or... new to me at least xP
Whitey @ 2024-01-07 02:04
As nice as they are, it's pretty hard to justify using these. At lower levels, NCU is king. Memory loop adding 33 NCU with lower CL requirement means with x5 ML's equipped instead of these you would have enough additional NCU to have the NT -28% nanocost buff running which just blows these out of the water
Whitey @ 2024-01-07 02:08
That said, they do still have a fringe use cases where you don't have access to OSB's such as duels or battlestation, but if you aren't doing those, more NCU will always be better
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