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Item Database - Summoning of Duoco

Summoning of Duoco Icon #96267 Weaving strands of energy, nanobots will create Duoco. No one is completely certain whether Duoco is a purely artificial construct created by the hand of a skilled nano programmer ages past, or the temporary manifestation of a real entity. Whatever the case, Duoco will obey the orders of the meta physicist. The attack of Duoco confuses and clouds the mind.
Flags Visible, Default Target
Patch 13.4 14.2.1 15.0.1 15.5 15.5.5 18.0 18.5
QL 153
Crystal Nano Crystal (Summoning of Duoco)
NCU 47
Nanocost 414
School Space
Attack time 7s
Recharge time 3.5s
Range 1 m
Stacking order 47
Defense skills
Nano resist 0 %
Attack skills
Matter metamorphosis 50 %
Time and space 50 %
To Use User Time and space >= 700 and
User Matter metamorphosis >= 700 and
User Profession == Meta-Physicist and
User Pets <= 2000
On Use Self Spawn Pet HGMG  
pacman-swe @ 2010-06-27 20:21
Pet lvl 135
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