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Item Database - Smuggler Shipment (OP-CLXXX)

Smuggler Shipment (OP-CLXXX) Icon #117934 Hacks into the Omni-Pol Secured Supply channel and creates a dummy supply order for a piece of armor. This order is instantly Grid-warped into the inventory of the fixer, with the appropriate amount of credits being deducted. To avoid detection, it is necessary to attach the dummy order to an existing order, so you can never be entirely certain of the type of armor that will be delivered. NOTE: You must have an empty slot in your inventory for the transfer to be successful (you will still be charged even if the transfer is unsuccessful). The system performs a regular inventory check, and any items found to have been delivered to the incorrect location are Grid-warped back into storage.
Flags Modified Description, Default Target
Patch 13.0 14.4.2 15.0.1 15.5.5
QL 113
Crystal Nano Crystal (Smuggler Shipment (OP-CLXXX))
NCU 35
Nanocost 256
School Space
Attack time 4s
Recharge time 2.5s
Range 1 m
Defense skills
Nano resist 0 %
Attack skills
Matter creation 50 %
Time and space 50 %
To Use User Time and space >= 551 and
User Matter creation >= 645 and
User Visual profession == Fixer and
User Credits >= 546
On Use User Hit Credits -545 .. -545  
User Summon Item FRSO  
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