Datagutt @ 2005-04-18 20:35
what lvl mobs drop this?
GOD @ 2005-07-27 19:49
you can get the instruction disc for all grid armors in missions. the mission should be arround the ql of the instruction disc you're looking for.
GOD @ 2005-07-27 19:49
you can get the instruction disc for all grid armors in missions. the mission should be arround the ql of the instruction disc you're looking for.
mosnami @ 2006-03-10 05:04
Found it today during a lvl 139 cru hunt.
Jahf @ 2006-05-04 03:29
Found one accidentally while killing off my train in Smuggler's Den on the way to the Mantis Queen. Even more funny than finding NS2 from EFP Medusas.
gdb2222 @ 2006-07-22 12:20
Anyone know what happens when GA goes OD? Is it just the ACs that suffer or also the defence modifier?
danexpan @ 2006-08-10 18:59
"User Defensive Stance not running" does this mean the perk must not be running when equipped, or the perk must not be trained to equip?
Satertek @ 2006-08-20 01:16
Dropped off a regular mob in a QL176 solo mission yesterday. Was a surprise to say the least.
kady @ 2007-01-28 23:41
Sunglasses of Syncopated Heartbeats | No longer drops
Hollow Bone Bracer of Merlin Ambrosius | Tarasque
Corroded Ring | Tri Plumbo
Unbecoming Sleeves of Ljotur | Ljotur
Mirror Mask of Ljotu | Ljotur
Pick-a-Finger | Fixer Shop
Truspace 900 XL - Vision | Primus/Secundus, EFP Camp
Amber/Ruby/Sapphire Arcanum Specs | Zoftig Blimp in Hope (vendor)
All these can be worn with Ga 1,2,3,4
Xira @ 2007-05-24 19:58
Sunglasses of Syncopated Heartbeats - Doesn't work with GA
Hollow Bone Bracer of Merlin Ambrosius - Works with GA
Corroded ring - works with GA
Ljotur stuff - Doesn't work with GA
Truspace 900 XL- Doesn't work with GA
Arcanum Specs - Doesn't work with GA
Anything that says "Can Wear With Social Armor" works unless it also says "User Cyberdeck not & 4 " in which case it doesn't work with any GA.
aocat @ 2011-11-18 21:46
Head Skinchips
Both of these work with GA as of the last time I checked
Evenhb @ 2012-03-20 14:28
Ljotur woerks with GA, don't lie Xira
Jut unequip 1 part of ljotur before you spawn grid armor...
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