Rattus @ 2002-11-24 08:18
Not available in shops, I take it?
Nagant @ 2003-08-08 07:55
It's an MP-only creation weapon, made with a nano
Verc102 @ 2005-02-07 18:20
Jawanskelig @ 2007-04-28 09:09
It's rollable, like all the other creation nanos for MP's
junjo75 @ 2008-06-12 23:01
is this worth increasing my 1HB skill to 193? I made my MP and stopped increasing it at round lvl 8. only got 53 pts. invested in 1HB. plus I'll need to increase my mult. melee a few points. is this worth it? no damage and for a lvl 45 MP, the AC and max hp seems a bit gimp to waste my points on
Terrif @ 2009-02-06 20:43
better to wait for solar guard, i made a trox mp, i started with bow, and i realy prefer 1hb, it's look more cool :p
Shutroth @ 2009-04-24 18:05
Junjo it is worth it in my opinion because if you get 1h-blunt up to around 130-174 and have 116 fast attack. You could equip Howling skulls and Vital Buckler at a very low level.
jjp47 @ 2011-03-06 01:29
use click saver to get it its nice. almost kills you though drains alot of nano and almost all health for me
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