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Item Database - Vital Buckler

Vital Buckler Icon #154365 This shield is created through the solidification of matter by a skilled meta-physicist. This particular type of shield has strange runes etched into it. When held, these runes activate the nano formula stored in the shield and increase the health of the meta-physicist.
Flags Visible, No Drop
Can Carry, Wear
Patch 13.0 15.0.1 18.8.53
Change QL:
Type Weapon
Slot Left hand
Value 1
Equip time 4s
Attack time 1s
Recharge time 8s
Range 3 m
Damage 1-1 (1) - Melee AC
Initiative skill Melee init
Mass 3kg
Multi melee 96
Damage View this weapon in the Damage Calculator
Defense skills
Evade close 100 %
Attack skills
Time and space 8 %
1h Blunt 2 %
To Equip User 1h Blunt >= 193 and
User Time and space >= 292
On Use User Modify Max health 170  
User Modify Projectile AC 72  
User Modify Melee AC 72  
User Modify Energy AC 72  
User Modify Chemical AC 72  
User Modify Radiation AC 72  
User Modify Cold AC 72  
User Modify Poison AC 72  
User Modify Fire AC 72  
User Modify Parry 10  
Rattus @ 2002-11-24 08:18
Not available in shops, I take it?
Nagant @ 2003-08-08 07:55
It's an MP-only creation weapon, made with a nano
Verc102 @ 2005-02-07 18:20
Jawanskelig @ 2007-04-28 09:09
It's rollable, like all the other creation nanos for MP's
junjo75 @ 2008-06-12 23:01
is this worth increasing my 1HB skill to 193? I made my MP and stopped increasing it at round lvl 8. only got 53 pts. invested in 1HB. plus I'll need to increase my mult. melee a few points. is this worth it? no damage and for a lvl 45 MP, the AC and max hp seems a bit gimp to waste my points on
Terrif @ 2009-02-06 20:43
better to wait for solar guard, i made a trox mp, i started with bow, and i realy prefer 1hb, it's look more cool :p
Shutroth @ 2009-04-24 18:05
Junjo it is worth it in my opinion because if you get 1h-blunt up to around 130-174 and have 116 fast attack. You could equip Howling skulls and Vital Buckler at a very low level.
jjp47 @ 2011-03-06 01:29
use click saver to get it its nice. almost kills you though drains alot of nano and almost all health for me
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