Ilikebunnies @ 2007-03-25 05:43
A regular treatment lab will heal you for 3,500 whithin the same amount of time that this takes you to heal 4,000 health, only the regular one doesn't BLIND YOU. Clearly, this one does more, so it's better.
agpecko @ 2007-12-09 14:19
Azzy @ 2007-12-13 20:55
how to make?
regsvr32 @ 2008-02-14 12:43
yay they unnerefd it now the lab not blinding u prob the best heal lab ever
lonewolf07 @ 2009-05-10 13:54
YAY adds 3 treatment !!!
dexterity @ 2009-05-26 04:22
no, addskill 3 means it greys out any treatment object on your GUI.
Cppthis @ 2009-09-09 07:42
These were always better if you were prepared to deal with the blind but with that gone, there's really no reason to use anything else. It's too bad there isn't a nano version.
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