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Item Database - Emotional Sponge

Emotional Sponge Icon #72769 This rocks seems to have a palpable aura about it. Just looking at it you feel your emotions lessen. By applying pressure to certain points on the rock, it looks like you could focus this emotional void on another being.
Flags Visible, Modified Description, No Drop
Can Carry, Use, Apply Hostile
Patch 12.8 12.9 13.6 17.9
Change QL:
Value 44000
Mass 1.2kg
Defense skills
Psychology 0 %
Attack skills
Psychology 100 %
To Use User Psychological modifications >= 241 and
User Psychology >= 201 and
Target Psychology <= 369
On Use Self AddSkill Psychology 3  
User Lock Psychology 720s  
Chat Text All emotions of the target are drained away.  
Target Wipe Hate list  
lol @ 2002-10-20 20:30
what does this do? worth puting IP on psychology? thx for any help. (found it at steps of madness btw)
balcrush @ 2002-12-12 14:43
I've heard it's used to diable Neleb's shield.. Maybe it can do that to other bosses too..?
tartaran @ 2003-07-02 03:16
by the description, it looks like this removes aggro from the "caster". I got something cast on me in the steps that made my screen go all funky colored, could this have done it?
jeger @ 2004-02-06 14:33
If the mob you are fighting has a psychology below 369 and you use this item, the hate list of the mob is cleared. Can maybe be used to get aggro of a doc, if a doc uses complete heal, but with 369 max psychology i'm guessing its not very much usable.
oopsminded @ 2005-12-24 00:24
It's a calm, just like ring of memory loss. I got it after around 100 Supressed Emotion.
Shiare @ 2008-06-20 11:48
This isn't all that great. 12 minutes skill lock sucks bad and starting around level 80 or so, I believe most mobs have way more than 369 this thing is only good as early as you can get the skills to use it to about level 70 - 80 mobs.

the ring of memory loss is only slighty has 10 min skill lock and only works on mobs up to level 124....but is a better alternative since you need PM (a requirement for all professions at some point). I don't think there is an IS version...if there is, nobody spends enough time there to find out as It probably would be as rare of a drop as ring of memory loss is in totw.

for all other professions either of the above are good for emergency situations only, when you have to escape one mean mob bearing down on you (say an NT, Doc or any of the other squishies). At least you can use both the ring of memory loss and Emotional Sponge, giving you two chances to wipe hate from 2 different mobs (hope that is enough when it hits the fan...which coincidently is the only time I've ever had to use either one).

For agents, they have the repressor which although doesn't completely wipe the hate list, it does only lock for 10 seconds and does scale up in you can use in multiple times on multiple mobs and wiping the taunt value you build up on mobs adds up. At ql 100 you'll wipe -740ish 10 seconds that's over 1400 taunt you wipe. So you can use it from level 1 to level 200+ to great effectiveness....but I guess it all depends on exactly how much taunt agents criticals and AS add up to per shot. The team only thing sucks but hey what you expect?

so 2 nice toys for everyone, 3 for agents....even though they are a bit crappy on the skill locks, I guess they are better than get them all. however, I have only needed to use ring of memory loss once in the past 6 months (but that's with my GA fixer, evades, hots, runspeed, roots/snares is greater than 1 memory wipe anyday :)
Therrito @ 2013-11-05 05:30
Um ... ok Shiare (backs away slowly)
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